Pregnant and RH-

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I am little over 4 months pregnant and I got the RH- blood from my mother. She has three kids and I was the only one to get it. This is my first child and I have been reading up on it and it scares me a little, but on the other hand I'm happy that we're farther along in technology and I hopefully won't really have a problem. If anyone would like to talk to me and share there stories it would be great! :)


  • For anyone that doesn't know...RH- is a rare blood type that can effect your child while your pregnant.
  • edited April 2011
    Its nothin to worry about. They give you the rhogam (sp?) Shot @ 28wks and again after birth. Its really not that rare either, its actually pretty common. Im rh- as well.
  • Well I looked it up and there's only 15% of americans that have it and that's the highest out of the whole world.
  • Yeah I just saw that lol my bad.
  • Im rh-. I dont think its that rare. It just means you have a neg blood type.
  • And yea there mostly isn't a problem and you get the shot but your baby could still come out anemic and have heart problems. Anything could happen.
  • Its pretty rare but its not to the point that no one has it. 15% of americans is a lot of people but that still leaves the bigger portion of americans at 85% with RH+.
  • edited April 2011
    As long as you're on top of it the chances of anything going wrong with it are slim to none. Its only a problem if babies blood cones into contact with yours. I got an amniocentesis done about a month ago and had to get the shot just in case. A lot of babies were lost back in the day before they figured it out. Im very glad that there's ways to prevent it now. It would devastate me to know my baby died or almost died because my body attacked her :(
  • i have o- blood and i was really scared in the beginning too. You will get the shot and there's nothing to worry about hun. The second shot after birth depends on the babys blood type. F baby has your blood, u will get a 2 nd shot to prevent complications with a future pregnancy. If baby has dads blood u will not need the shot

    Honstley, the scariest thing is actually getting h shot lol, at least for me! I didn't know until the minute i was getting it, that they to u in you booty! And it kinda hurts lol. But really there's nothing to be scarrd of. Your doctor is going to take care of u. Good luck with your pregnancy :)
  • Yea I've had to get a shot before. I had a miscarriage little over a year ago. So my blood has come in contact with postive blood before.
  • im RH- and i knew when i was 14... the dr explained when he told me, that when i decide to have children i will need to get a shot to prevent my body from attacking the baby.. because your body thinks the baby is a foreign sickness.. so AS SOON as i found out i was pregnant, the first dr. visit, i asked about the shot.. he said "oh yeah, your RH-... alright we will give you the shot @ 26 weeks" so im already set up to get to the dr's & get the shot i need... it is a rare blood type, but as long as you get the shot you need, there wont be a problem! :)
  • The shot in the butt is very tender hahaha
  • @babyboyontheway lol im sorry you had to get it in your booty that sounds awful! I got it done in my upper arm, which I guess is more painful but I didn't care I just wanted to get the hell out of there! Did you know the shot contains human plasma, and if the company failed to screen their donors properly then infectious diseases could be transferred to us!? Kinda gross lol but anything to save the babies :)
  • @rockimmomma i have no idea what's actually in the shot, i never thought to ask! Lol. I'm going to google what's in the rogam (sp?) shot now lol. Its probably really low chance i would contract something but its still scary to think about... at least its over with that needle mass me side for a whole day but its all worth it if i ever want to have another baby(which won't he for a long long time hehe )
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