horribly sick with a cold, or some ugly bug?

edited April 2011 in Health
Howdy ladies. Im 20 weeks and Im on week two of being sick, at first my doc said it was just a sinus infection so she gave me amoxi. And a nasal spray...
Now, Im getting a horrible horrible cough. Im going to see my doc tomorrow but.What.do.you ladies know of that i can take for my cough?? Its a horrible one. My tummy and whole body hurts from coughing so hard.

Any help would be appreciated, i just want to settle my cough and Get some rest :'(


  • I would consult your physician about the meds. From what I understand, my doc says Sudafed is okay, as well as any Tylenol cough/cold meds. Another idea might be to consult a pharmacist and see what they have to say.

    Hopefully you get to feeling better. Good luck!!
  • Sorry to hear that and I hope you feel better soon, I am just getting over being sick too and it sucks. Honey, hot tea and cough drops should help.
  • U can take robatussan regular.. That's what im taking :))
  • You can take a spoonfull of honey and you can use cepacol drops while pregnant.
  • edited April 2011
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  • Plain sudafed! Good luck. A pharmacist can tell you what else you can take if you let them know your pregnant.
  • Okay. Thanks so much everyone. I appreciate it. Unfortunatley Im from a small town, Our pharmacy is closed and the nearest one is 1 hour and 30 minutes away thats open anyway :(
    Thanks though, ima go dig around my house, see What We have.
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  • @gatorbob Thanks so much!! Im just getting so tired of coughing haha its so miserable.
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  • Okay now i threw up :( i have no idea What this ugly bug is.
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