How much weight have you gained?



  • I'm just like u Robin. I gained 70 with my first And was well over 200 pounds. I worked really hare to loose my weight and ive been 135 for over a year. I'm 9 weeks and I've already gained 4 pounds. I cried and I'm also watching everything I eat! I keep remidning myself though that I lost weight once and I can loose it again and so can u! Don't stress yourself out so much about your weight, just keep eating healthy!
  • Yes everyone is different. Im 19 weeks amd have only gained five and im eating everything lol with my furst I gained 38 abd my second 28 and still got back down to mt 130 before pregnancy.
  • I was 230 gained 60 with my 1st then her father left me n I got up to 356 lbs then lost 60 lbs I was so happy n wanted to continue then I found out I was pregnant gained 12 n I'm 22 weeks but lost 5 in the past day from being sick hope I lose after havin the baby in june
  • I gained 50lbs w my first. I'm 5'8" and I was 165 (skinny for my frame) after delivery I was about 182. I sky rocketed to 225 in 2 yrs from the depo shot! And then took another 2 yrs to get back to 165. Gained another 20lbs since meeting my hubby and now I'm 185 again :( so I am PRAYING not to gain 50! Gahhh!!
  • I'm 12 weeks today and I have lost 8 pounds. I don't know why cuz I eat at least 6 times a day. It kinda worries me but I saw a nutritionist today and she told me I should only gain 15 pounds cuz I was already over weight before.
  • Very glad to see that I'm not alone! I keep trying to put down the junk food.. but it's like that's the only thing that baby boy will let me eat! It's awful! I just don't think I could stand to gain that much again... I hope to just gain right at 35-40 lbs.. hopefully I can at least stay on track for that.
  • I am 15 weeks and havent gained..i have lost though.....this is my third and my first i gained 30 my second i gained 15.....i am also overweight so i am supposed to lose my first 3 months....i.have not been able to eat at all this pregnancy....i have been forcing myself to eat it sucks majorly
  • I never gain weight I always lose weight but it's genetic my mom and my sister were da same
  • I've been sick my whole 33weeks nd this is my first I've only gained 17lbs
  • @loretta_my1st... I have been nauseous...have yet to throw up but i cant eat. Something will sound good but as soon as i see it i am instantly nauseous its a bummer because i aend my fiance to the store to get a craving of mine and can barely eat it
  • I am 25 weeks and two days nd I have only gained 8 pounds
  • @robinlee83 my daughter will be 17 months when this one is born!! Im sure it will tremendously help us lose weight after chasing our toddlers around!
  • i gained 40 pounds w first baby, 50 pounds w second and 60 pounds w third. We r currenly ttc and i am going to make sure to keep it 40 or under this time. Its so hard to manage ur weight when ur pregnant. Each time i was able to get back to my pre-preggo size... thankfully.
  • @kayleesmommy ~ it's going to be so much fun to have 2 in diapers isn't it?? lol. my daughter will be 19 months when this one is born, so I know the feeling.
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