Yeah my bf's working today aswell so I've got to go on my own and I've just registered at this docs this morning coz i only moved to this city in Jan :-( i feel like i did when it was my 1st day at school, lol x
I tried to think like that the whole way thru my first pregnancy; even when I was sick. I've also found that becoming a mommy makes u so much more brave because it takes u out of your comfort zone and makes u do things u wouldn't think of doing by yourself before.... How did your appt go?
Hope your appointment went well I'm waiting 4 midwife to ring me I'm abt 5 weeks today and due 7th Dec can't wait for my son to have a neo if SIS lol x
First appointment went really well I'm waiting to for my midwife to phone me should be today or tomorrow I'm due on the 7th of Dec to I'm really excited :-) x x x x
How did your appt go?