Had an ultrasound just now I'm exactly 16 weeks prego today and the baby is measuring 17 weeks 4 days...what does this mean?? Is it normal? Dr not moving due date...
When I had my first ultasound I was 8 weeks 5 days but the ultrasound said 7 weeks 3 days but they kept my same due date. So I guess that's common. Baby might just be measuring big.
Yea im 20 week an some bits are measureing a 19 weeks an 4 days an other bits are measuring at 20 weeks an 5 day! Its just how the babies growing! Some bits grow faster than other
It's normal to be off a bit. They usually won't get concerned unless you're measuring pretty small. My doctor always describes 'due date' as a 'due week' give or a take a bit.
Im 35 weeks and a couple weeks ago my belly measured 3 weeks ahead, they did an u/s forthe weight and he was a week and a half ahead. All babiesgrow at different rates. Due date is still the same. Congrats u/s are fun