With my first I had gained about 8lbs by 15 weeks. With my second I lost weight until 16/17 weeks (I lost about 20lbs) and then evened out for a bit before I gained, and with this one I'm 19 weeks and have lost 9lbs since the beginning.
At 15 weeks I was still my same weight with my second and current but with my first, probably around 10lbs gained. I gained 80 total with my first (WOW!) And im 31 weeks with my second and I've gained only 7lbs so far. Both girls
my dr says i should gain 3 lbs a month.. im 18 weeks & have gained only 5 lbs so far... i refuse to be one of those people who gain a ton of unnecessary weight during my pregnancy, because i didnt start out skinny & i know that ill already have trouble losing ANY baby weight.. so im keeping it down enought that it will be somewhat easy