I'm fat :[
I have always been a size 3-5 in pants and today I went shopping and could only fit into size 7 and 9s except for shorts, even size 9 shorts were too small. And i'm only 15 weeks pregnant, I don't even have a baby bump yet...just my legs are getting huge and my hips and I also get bloated whenever I eat. It's so depressing :[ Before I got pregnant I weighed 115 and could wear size 5 pants and size xs-small shirts and now i'm almost 125 lbs and have to wear medium shirts and size 9 pants. I will be pregnant all through the summer and probably won't even be able to wear shorts, just dresses. I've always been someone who worried a lot about my weight, whenever i'd gain even a pound i'd limit myself to only eating like salad and water for a week, I also used to be anorexic. This is just too much for me, and I feel like I probably will be fat after I have the baby too. My mom was never able to shed her baby weight from me, even 19 years later. I don't wanna pick up that gene :[
I wouldn't worry about it honey. Remember that weight gain is expected, most of all HEALTHY during pregnancy for both you and baby.
should realize that if you're calling yourself fat at being a size 9, some ladies that wear higher or are over 125 lbs are just going to feel bad about themselves cause the smaller girl is calling herself fat!
You've only gained 10 lbs in 15 weeks. Not shabby. I would be glad! Some gain 50-80 lbs. Not insulting that, but compare that to 10 lbs- you shouldnt feel so miserable about it.
Buck up.