natural inducement ideas? 3 days overdue and counting...

edited March 2011 in Second pregnancy
Any one else overdue and frustrated....I have been a fingertip dialated for 4 and a half weeks lil guy refuses to get started. Tried sex...spicy food...walking...taking stairs two at a (scrubbed my kitchen floor twice)....moving heavy furniture....

Have not tried castor oil...and I don't wanna tho I was given the tip of red ras tea from the health food store not celestial I'm going to try that tomorrow.

My daughter was 9 days late I went into labor the night before I was to be induced. Still ended up having to be induced get an epidural and she was suctioned out and they used forceps....
It was a 24 hour day of pain and discomfort. And my son is now 3 days over due so far...(still counting)...and we are scheduled for an inducement next Tuesday...7 days late...we will be officially 41 darned weeks pregnant at that point. And the doctor already mentioned already stressed on top of frustrated.

I'm just so frustrated and stressed out... and was hoping someone understood...or could give some more options for natural inducement. I heard nipple stimulation isn't a good idea - though I did try it but not for a long amlunt of time like suggested but if anyone has any helpful tips...please....I'm begging... =O)


  • I was 12 days over do ate Kraft Mac & cheese with A1 sauce I was desperate. Went into labor within 24 hours. I had the baby about 3 hours before I was supposed to be induced. I would be worried if I was you after your last experience but remember every labor OS different
  • I'm petrified bc she actually swallowed some michonium also which ended us in the hospital for 5 days instead of the normal 2 but she was fine no medical problems. She was 8 lbs 3 oz....this baby is around the same and I declared my concerns with my doctor so they said they won't let me go past 7 days but sometimes the due dates are off so they want to give the extra all I wanted to say was shut up and get this lil booger boy out! Haha

    But u said kraft mac n cheese and a1? What was that suppsoed to do? I never heard that one....
  • @Insane you've had the tea? Okay I will go and get it tomorrow. I really want him to come out on his own or at least start himself...I'm really nervous about a csection...
  • Do not try caster oil. I was a week late w my first, i tried it and it was nasty... never! Ur second should go "smoother" hopefully. My first was 9lb 8oz and took 3 hours to push out.. my second and third popped out after 2 pushs. Good luck to u. How exciting that ur gonna meet ur baby soon. :)
  • I did the nipple stimulation with my second son and he was born that night:) I didn't know it was a bad idea?? Why do they say it is? He was born 9 days early....
  • EVerything I've read has said it can cause extreme contractions and it was said to not be the best option due to the complications that over active contractions can cause i- I have no idea lol I still tried but got nothing. My lil bugger just wants to stay in and he's running out of room!
  • How do you do nipple stimulation?
  • Where do you get this tea at
  • Nipple stimulation you can google. But u take ur fore finger and thumb and roll your nipple back and fourth for 15 minutes then 15 minute break and repeat like 3-5 times or something. But if u google it - it gives you better directions...I'm a little forgetful this late in the game to remember the steps accurately.

    And the tea I could not find but it is supposed to be at like gnc or a health food store of the like.
  • i was a week late with my second child. I tried every herb know to man to induce labor and nothing. I walked on a treadmill for hours everyday and nothing. I climbed stairs for hours and nothing. I tried pumping my milk and nothing. I finally drank the oil at 7 pm on a Saturday and woke up at 8am to a contraction. I went shopping, walking, ate, took a shower, picked some of my family up and then went to the hospital at 4ish. They still had to give me pit bc I was only 3cm. She was born at 9:40 pm. Good luck!!
  • I heard pineapple induces labor
  • edited April 2011
    I heard there is some chemical in sperm that helps enduce labor. Although you probably don't feel like it but try having more sex. :)
  • There is a cupcake tht puts ppl in labor one girl made a post it was on the news
  • I did castrol oil twice, evening primrose oil capsules and they stripped my membranes twice, all within 1 week and I was still induced. I've have not found anything that really worked. Good luck
  • I found red rasberry tea@ walmart
  • Is there a certain tea u have to use or is it any tea?
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