In love with maryjane

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I smoked pot every day until I found out I was preggo. I quit cold turkey for like 5 days and then insomnia punched me in the face. Didnt sleep for 3 days. so I hit the bowl and went right to sleep. Since then ive hit the bowl a few more times over about 3 weeks. I was wondering if anyone had first hand experience smoking weed while they were pregnant and what it did for them? any affects on the baby? And I KNOW smoking anything isnt good for u or the child so I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT, UNLESS U HAVE PERSONNEL EXPERIENCE. thank u. I knoe quite a few women who smoked weed during their pregnancy and their children are just fine..and some older ladies at my work swear that a bowl a day keeps the ralphing away lol


  • My mom smoked weed with me because she kept throwing up. Im fine. It won't have any side effects on your baby.
  • It hasn't been proven that there won't be any side effects or damages to the growing baby.
  • My mom smoked it with me to quit throwing up just a warning tho I was born pretty small
  • I was 6 pound 9 ounces.
  • My sister smoked weed with all 4 of her babies... the babies were fine, however it does have long term affect :(
    Research the stuff online because your going to get a lot of diff opinions on here.... hope u make the right choices dear
  • Technically something can go wrong with the baby but of allll the women i know that smoked pot and even the occasional cig the chances of having something go wrong with the baby are short my babys godmother smoked all thru her pregnancy to keep from throwing up and she has a verry healthy sized normal little girl
  • Ive heard that it is common practice for hospitals to perform drug tests...just be aware in case they mother smoked with me and a few of my friends have with no ill effects..
  • Hasnt been proven that there WILL be side effects either. So far ive found that in studies some of the children have harder times focusing. Idk..
  • Everyone I know that did had healthy babies. I've looked up stuff and there is no definite research that says it is harmful, but just be careful don't do it all the time
  • If you're so convinced that it won't hurt your baby or cause side effects then why are you asking?
  • Yea and one thing about that is, and its quite funny, if u have thc in ur system dcf or cds or whatever wont take away ur child.
  • I used to smoke weed everyday too but I quit the day after I found out that I'm pregnant. I don't want to take any chances with my kid. My sister in law smoked put when she was pregnant with my nephew. after he was bien he had immune problems. He would easily get sick and eventually died. I know that everything affects people differently.
  • ive smoked for years and had a couple of bowls before I learned I was pregnant. Since then nothing at all. It has ben difficult quiting cold turkey, but I kept reading about harmful effects so I figured it would be for the best. There really isn't much info on just smoking vs smoking and drinking.
  • Because this is my first child and im asking for experienced advice. Dont question my question... Its MY question.
  • Experienced advice coming from my sister in law who's a midwife says that drugs can really screw up the development of your child. Its seen time and time again in newborn babies.
  • My mom smoked weed with me too and not my brother and sister. she said outta my brother sister and me that I was the best baby she ever had. I was on a schedule so percise that she knew exactly when I woke up and what I wanted. I never cried and I was basically laid back and a really happy baby. I smoked weed everyday for years till I found out I was prego too. I stopped smokin it everyday and tried to keep it to just on the weekends. Its hard to do when ur jonesing for it but I figure every once in a while can't hurt. And plus sometimes I feel guilty after I smoke and I make my self paranoid and my heart starts racing and then I realize thats probally not the best thing to do to ur little one so that kinda helps with the urges. But all in all it won't give ur baby any birth defects besides being a chill laid back little bambino!!! And what's so bad about that???
  • Look up melanie dreher she did a 30 year study on it. :)
  • Ha I've actually read it can make the baby smarter.. but ha idk my bf 's sisters doctor. Told her she couldbto help from getting sick
  • Why would you want to risk it?
    A dealer of mine back in the day smoked throughout both of her pregnancies. One had extreme ADHD that was uncontrollable with medication and the other was in an out of psychs in an attempt for diagnosis. When I last picked up from her they were talking about a possible schizophrenia or schizoaffective diagnosis....the little girl could have been no older than 5 or 6.
    There is no conclusive data so why even take the chance? They barely know what the longterm effects are in adults, let alone the influence to an unborn, developing fetus. A study just released maybe a year or two ago—maximum—linked chronic weed smoking with higher chance of schizophrenia...coincidence from what I've witnessed personally? I think not.

    If I were you I would quit altogether. The longterm effects of doing so are MUCH more beneficial than your short-term relief is now. A relatively short period of insomnia vs. a lifetime of potential physical or mental health risks for your child...which are you willing to risk? Imo if you even have to ask that question then maybe it is not time yet for you to be a mother.

    I smoked ½-¾ of an 8th a day for years... you CAN quit cold-turkey, I know from first-hand experience. I had bouts of bad insomnia, but you DO pull through it. Some sleep medications are safe in moderation during pregnancy. Call your doctor to talk about them to help get you on a sleep routine.
    Also try taking warm baths/showers right before bed. Sometimes background noise helps too.
    also try keeping your room cool but your bed warm. These are all things I did to fall asleep.

    Good luck and I wish the best for your baby and you as well.
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  • My rule of thumb that I go by is that the baby feels what u feel. In other words if I would give my newborn a j id smoke while preggers
  • I just wouldn't take any chances; sure, your baby 'might' be just fine... but how would you feel for the rest of your life if it wasn't?... I know it would absolutely kill me if I knew I was the reason something went wrong with my baby...
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  • I smoked every day too until I took the test but it sucks n I think about giving in esp bc I lost my appetite n could use the munchies, but for me I'm scared il get paranoid. I know ppl who have smoked their babies were fine.
  • Thank u ladies ive most certainly cut down more than ever now that im preggo. Ive stopped before without any problems. I really appreciate the advice and I think I can do it. After all its only 8 more months or so and then I have the rest of my life to smoke if I please
  • I can't believe all these moms telling you to smoke it up. I'm a nurse and work in peds. Seriously go tell your doctor and you will get an educated factual answer, if you any to be told what you want to hear listen to these bs responses. Perhaps many woman in past have smoked pot but as a healthcare community there is more knowledge against it now. If you are too embarrassed to ask your doctor there's your answer. Step one of motherhood give up what you want for what is best for baby. Good luck and congrats for baby and quitting for 5 days already.
  • edited February 2011
  • they will drug test the baby at birth and if it tests positive u will lose custody
  • I smoked the first part of my 1st pregnancy(12 weeks). That's when I found out I was pregnant I quit after I found out. My little girl 3 now & is healthy as can be!
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