Need some help ladies

edited February 2011 in Health
Okay this might be a little werid and personal lol but I feel like I can tell you ladies anything and I feel like ive known most if you for a long time :) okay so lately I been feeling I need to #2 but I dont. Even when i lay down I feel like I need to go so when I do go nothing happens im not constipated I jus feel like I need to go all the time.. Has this happened or is happening to anyone? Should I be worried?


  • I have this right now as well. I havent askef my doc yet but I hope its nothing.
  • Same here I been feeling it for since yesterday maybe the day b4. how far along are you?
  • For me it was just time.. took about a week.. try to eat prunes that might help :)
  • Im not having trouble goin I just feel like I need to go kinda feels like presure
  • How far along are you? If your at the 30 week mark that's that babys head pressing down! May give you the urge to make bowel movements.
  • Sometimes even earlier babies rock on down they're they maybe small but your organs are no maych for they're heads lol
  • I turned 35wks yesterday
  • I have the exact same problem! So bad that I actually go sit in the bathroom just in case haha.
  • Yup that's baby getting ready
  • Its gotteb worst I cant walk it hurts.. Idk what to do. If I sit it hurts I lay dowm it hurts.i stand up and it hurts :( I wana cry lol im uasually good pain.
  • Is it constant or does it come and go.
  • I would just call on call doctor if u can wait til morning
  • Its constant I dont think they are contraction im guna call my dr in the morning cause I dont want to go to the hospital if its jus prego pains
  • I asked my doc about it today, she said its the baby putting pressure on your organs because the bean is head down & ready to come out lol.
  • @412mommy thanks hun. I think I was havin contractions last night im going to see if it gets worse then ima go in. thanks again babes :) ;)
  • Yeah I can go a week without goin poo. And when I go to the bathroom it feels like I have to poo but nothing comes out and im not constipated. This morning I woke up with the most excrusiating pain in my tummy and rear end. I went to the bathroom and finally went. I was in the restroom for about 30 mins. This happens about 2 times a month. Still no clue why.
  • Well I constipated...i think?! ... I havr bas pain in my lower belly that feels like gas but I cant go to the bathroom or if I do its only a little bit ...i need to poop for god sake!
  • Im not having a problem wit going at all I have normal bowel movements its jus this weird pain im gona get it checked right now
  • I'm reading this while on the can. Coincidence?
  • yes it happened to me too.drove me nuts. but it passed after a few days
  • Thanks ladies I decided to wait it out
  • Good luck! Hope everything goes good. These last few weeks are dragging! I'm ready for the real pain to set in & push this bean out haha. If I go past my due date, there's a good chance ill punch someone in the throat.
  • Lmao! I feel u hun haha
  • Lmao! I feel u hun haha
  • @412mommy my mom didn't want to carry my brother longer than she had to, so she just went to the hospital and got induced. She was luckier with me, I was 10 days early :) good luck!
  • I really hope I'm early!
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