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How Do I Add A Picture?


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  • 16andpregnant
    How Do I Add A Picture?
    February 2011
  • Welcome Aboard!
    February 2011
    • ItsAGirl18
      I'm 18 and I'm pregnant this is my first child, I just got married in August and got pregnant in September. Just like getting married early on everyone was against me than and tried a million times to talk us out of it. At my first mention of a baby my Husband kinda freaked at the idea of having a baby so soon and seeing as I was told that I wasn't suppose to have kids he thought it'd be best to wait and so did everyone else. I was afraid to tell my parents that we were going to have a baby because of how badly they reacted to my marriage and how little they like my husband but I told them and it seemed fine. Now the part about the world being against you will pass. When everyone found out I was pregnant everyone thought we shoulda waited that it was too early, that it was a mistake pretty much telling us so much how hard it will be and how much stress it'll put on us and that it may split us apart that I felt like nothing I could say or do would get through to any of them.
    • ItsAGirl18
      My even at one point tried to talk me into leaving my husband and taking the baby and moving in with her so she could pretty much raise it or make me raise it her way. Things will get better for you though I promise. 16 is young and so is 18 i hear but hey who are they to tell us we're too young to have a baby and be a good Mother right? Keep your chin up hun. AND even though you don't know me know me. I'm Karizma, my number is 702-482-3558 text me anytime. Just let me know which story is yours and give me a name please lol