Questions.about tanning &.using tanning lotions?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I love to lay out to tan & use tanning lotions, I completely forgot to ask my doctor yesterday so just.wondering if anyone here can help, is it safe?


  • Tanning is not safe
  • Not even outside?
  • No. its the UV rays that arent safe. So tanning outside or in a tanning bed isnt safe.
  • Ok much!
  • My doctor said that it was good for you to tan out side just be careful and not burn you get vitamin d from the sun which is an important vitamin
  • Tanning outside is ok and tanning in the tanning bed is also ok, but if u go in a bed you can only go for 10 mins in the 20 min bed and you should wear sun screen if you think your gonna burn and only go a couple times a week, the only thing is they don't want your body temp to get to 102 bc it starts to make the amniotic fluid get hot and the baby has no way to cool down. But if you don't have to tan in a bed I wouldn't but outside is ok just don't let your body get over heated and wear sun screen
  • Ive been going tanning the past couple of weeks, I go in my back yard to my pond and sit out in a bikini lol me and my big 35 wk. belly lol I just make sure I have some good tanning lotion and a water mister for when it gets hot. You just dont want your body to get too hot. Make sure you keep it at a cool level, a little sun is good for ya! :)
  • Tanning is ok. Just make sure you dont overheat
  • I was told tanning is okay as long as your body temp doesn't rise, so maybe keep a fan by you or only tan in beds that are well fanned. Hope that helps(: and I use lotions.
  • Awesome thanks! Yea I will be laying out by the pool maybe twice a week! Thanks so much!
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