Am I the oldest mommy to be on here?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Out of curiosity....I wondered if at (dare I say) 43 y/o am I the oldest expecting mom on here? I'm currently 11 weeks and cautiously optimistic since this is my 5th try. I delivered a daughter this time last year but she was stillborn. So its taken almost a year to get pregnant again. I'm due october 27th or so....


  • im.28. Idk if you are the oldest or not, but congrats in baby :D
  • :( awh, this one will be a healthy baby! :) and idk, I saw some one 41 add expecting
  • Thanks 2 you both. I feel like if I hear one more doctor talk about my "advanced maternal age" I'm going to throw something at them. They see it as a burden.
  • My friend just had a baby at 42 and she was really annoyed about all the age talk her doc did, too. You'd think they'd learn not to bring it up unless there's something it's really relevant to. Congrats on your baby!
  • I'm due October 15. Good luck! I'm only 24 but I have a friend that's 41 who's ttc.
  • My aunt was 41 when she had her son...I think its awesome that your still makin babies at that mom had 3 grandchildren by then
  • Im due 10/21... i often feel old myself 31 but compared to all the young blood on here in
  • Congrats!! I'm 25 but my bf's sister had her 4th baby 2 yrs ago at 43 and everything turned out fine. Docs r very insensitive sometimes. Enjoy ur pregnany and good luck with everything!!
  • Pregnancy*
  • I'm 40 so that's close lol
  • .... Ill turn 39 a day before bby is due.: wishing she was.born on my.bday....
    And I also here all this crap about being old, long as I have with what, with who and thru where.... I DONT care what ppl say. Ppl will talk no matter what....
  • Oops... I hear..... lol
  • Had a baby at25,37, 38 & now40. My most difficult pregnancy was my first believe it or not.
  • Ccongrats @mom060511....
  • oh my..... @-) 43...... good luck [-O<
  • My step mom had my little brother at 44 and my fiances mom just had her son at 40 and shes about to be a a couple weeks :)
  • Congrats to everyone! (Regardless of age ) :) its so nice to know I'm not alone. It seems to work for all the celebrities. :) I am going to have a CVS procedure instead of worrying about the blood test as it will be positive anyway. At least I will get to know then if I'm pulling for the blue or pink team sooner than usual (hoping for blue!)
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