Wouldd uu takee em back.?
So im 17 datedd my bd for 7 months b4 I got pregoo. We hadd our onee night standd thingg after we weree brokenn uhpp ndd thats wenn I got pregnant. I foundd out 2 months later ndd wenn I tell em.he doesnn seem so excitedd.? Whyy couldd that b.? Hmm well yeahb theree was a neww gurl in the pikturee ndd quess what shes pregoo too.!! Shes a monthh behindd mehh ndd he has been with her for the last 8 monthsz. Noww he sayss he wnts to kumm back bkusz he wants to workk things out. I knww it sounds dumm buhh I do still miss himm ndd I thinkk lifee wouldd b better with himm. /: HELP.!! wouldd uu takee em backk.?
Good luck hunnie