july mommas

edited January 2011 in July 2011
Just wondering how many july moms are here and if anyone has found out the sex yet and when u all are due and where ur from? I'm due july5 from alabama.


  • I'm due july 7 I'm from sc and I think the anatomy scan is at four months
  • I'm due july 3rd. Haven't had scan yet. Pittsburgh pa
  • Imm due july 12, & fromm Rhode Island
  • I from Chicago and due July 2nd.
  • I will find out the sex next month.
  • July 8th with my first. Will hopefully find out the sex between feb 8-18. From RI
  • Due july 6th. Dr says looks like a girl. Will confirm on the jan 26th.
  • I'm due July 24th, hoping for a girl, have so many nephews. 2nd pregnancy, miscarried in 09. From NJ. Both hubby n I r very excited:0)
  • Im due july 7th dont want to find out wat im having...2nd baby....from CA
  • I'm due july 12th with my 1st baby....my husband and I r soo excited!! My ultrasound is feb 5
  • I am due july 13 th and the positive about being high risk is we know it's a boy!
  • July 24th my first im from washington i want a boy but my bf wants a girl idk wen ill find out but im so excited....
  • I'm due July 21, I find out the sex of the baby on march 8. I'm from forestburg Texas, but I'm in the army so I'm stationed at fort bliss, which is in el paso Texas.
  • Due july 22. Not sure what we are having, hubby and I are very excited ether way! From MN.
  • Due July 13th, everyone should be able to find out the baby's sex week 17 :)
  • Im due at 1st July with my 2nd child. Ill found out sex of the baby on march 10th. Iam from Ireland.
  • Due July 9th with our first and we're keeping the sex a surprise!
  • Due july 10 with first child from SC. Don't know when my ultrasound is yet. My next appt is the end of this month so probably sometime in feb. Hopefully early...I can't wait to find out! I keep having dreams that it's a girl. Not sure how often mothers intuition is right.
  • July 8th with my 1st.... Have my scan today in less then 2 hrs!!!! Im from indianaplois, IN!!!!
  • I'm due july 5 with my first baby. Don't know the sex yet but we have names either way! Harper Faye for a girl and Maddox LeRoy for a boy :). I am from Ft Lupton Colorado
  • Due July 19th, finding out the sex on Valentine's Day!
  • Due July 17th. I am from washington. I hope to find out next month!
  • Im due july 1 with my 2nd. My 1 is a lil boy hes a year.
  • I'm due July 13 with baby #5! My youngest is 6 so it kinda feels like we're starting all over again. Plan to find out the gender in Feb!
  • Im due july 9th...my birthday!have an app frb 19 th so I dont knoe what we are having....this is my second.my daughterwill be four in feb.C=
  • Im due july 16th and we just had an ultrasound yesterday and they were able to determine the sex! We were so surprised! But she said no doubt its a BOY! Got great pictures :) im from Washington.
  • Normally the drs. Will tell u the sex around 16 weeks. However the babys genitals form around 14 w
  • Due july 16, get to find out the sex on feb 22, indiana.... Were hoping for a boy since I already have a girl, shell be 5 in just a few days,,,
  • Due July 4th. I don't know if I want to know the sex yet. It is my second child, I have a 6 year old boy. I do want a girl this time, it will be my last one. :)
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