I am over thinking this. Help
I have been trying to conceive for about 7 months now.(sorry for the mistake) Everytime I have one small sysmtom I take it and run with it. Instead of getting a baby I get a period. The sysmtoms are there and I wonder have I just been thinking pregnant so my body gave me the fake sysmtoms. I have heard that just by making your self believe you are sick you can get the sysmtoms of sickness. I am still trying my partner and I had sex on the 27th of last month which was my ovulation day. I have been telling myself normal normal instead of pregnant but I still feel like I'm pregnant maybe its all in my mind. Some sysmtoms I have been having are bloated, and light cramps in my stomach, hunger. Next week on the 9th is the day that my period is suppose to fall on. I need some help. Has anyone ever experienced early pregnancy sysmtoms? I want my baby but I am losing hope. If I am not pregnant this time I am not sure if I will try again. Advice anyone.PLEASE HELP
Do you have an ovulation tracker? A lot of us used mydays period and ov tracker. I loved it! Good luck!
I know how you feel tho I was not supose to have babies and
we tried so hard and my body tricked me into thinking I was prego and then found out I wasn't started trying again and got prego had a misscarrige and then started trying again and just doing everything we could but then one night we just went at with no thought in our head about how bad we wanted this baby and then BOOM we concived our baby boy and I gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy on may 31st 2010 and then when he was 2 months we started trying for our second once again just relaxed and now im 24 weeks prego with our baby girl so I know how you feel girl.
but I never did the hole ov date thing just streeesed me out trying to work around that and stuff
I conceived the day before I ovulated.
I know you didn't ask for other tips, just hoping I could help you relax about it.
Best wishes for ya hun! Xo
i took a prego test 2 days before my missed p. Which was Jan 16th. My lmp was Dec 20th. I am 6 weeks