help with middle name... PLEASE!!!

edited February 2011 in Baby names
We are expecting our first child July 9th. And I am sooooo happy that its a GIRL!

I have chosen Carleigh as her first name. Last name begins with F and is 3 syllables. Please give suggestions!!!!


  • Carleigh Shea.. my middle name is Shea & I like it (: you can spell it different.. Shay, Shae, I've even seen Shai.. Carleigh Elaine or Carleigh Alaine (uh-lane) Alaine will be my girl middle name if I have a girl (: umm.. Carleigh Brooke.. Carleigh Elise (e-lease) Carleigh Marie.. Carleigh LeeAnn.. Carleigh Elizabeth, with Elizabeth it'll be a long name, but will sound beautiful (: if I come up with more, I'll let you know!
  • Carleigh Ann sounds pretty :)
  • I was gonna say the same
  • Carleigh Grace?
  • looove Carleigh Grace
  • Carleigh is such a cute name. Congrats. Seems like a lot of names will sound good w it. I like Carleigh Ann... im sure u will pick a cute one.
  • Carleigh Jayel
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I think Carleigh Nicole or Carleigh Noel sounds cute together!
  • Carleigh mckinely .... it is alittle long but I come from having two middle good.luck
  • Carleigh Jade sounds nice.
  • I looked online and found a neat middle. Name generator that lets you put names together and test them out I think the website is called
  • I looked online and found a neat middle. Name generator that lets you put names together and test them out I think the website is called
  • My little girls middle name is Ann'Marie! Its passed down in our family to all the girls!
  • Ya'll I LOVE all these suggestions and some of them I have already told the dad. But he doesn't like them! MEN!!? LOL I found Carleigh Lilliana.. do yall like it? Is it a mouthful? Thank yall sooooo much. I am gonna tell him other names again. And how many of yall like it. Maybe it'll change his mind ;)
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