are there any dog groomers that are pregnant?

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
Okay I'm a dog groomer is anyone else...if so I wanna know if u cut down how many dogs u do and at how far along and did u not do big dogs....I'm having big debates withmyself.... I always said I'd groom until I have baby but I get tired soooo fast.


  • I just recently left my grooming job, and hopefully going to be working a doggy daycare instead! Grooming while pregnant worries me...but, I'm also a hypochondriac!! Haha :)
  • Lol I was doing 6-9dogs day cut down to 4 and now back to 6 Max people r getting mad because I'm always booked since decrease in dogs...I work from home witch is great but its fat along we're u when u quit
  • I am not a groomer however my aunt is and we are really close, she groomed dogs until the day she gave birth (induced at 41wks) she never slowed down and actually worked 3days a week at someone else's shop and had her own shop for the other 4 days that she opened while pregnant. I was a bather for her. But she did her steady amount of dogs everyday and never cut back.( she brags all the time) she always just had one of us put the biggins on her table for her!
  • I wish I had help
  • Oh you said you worked out of your house huh? Is there teenagers in yours or his family that you could hire to help she use to pay me like $3 a dog which was very appealing to a 16 yr old lol
  • I'm a groomer! I'm only nine weeks and I'm having a very difficult time already! my boss won't let me slow down though i desperately want to. I get tired very easily and my back has never hurt so much in my life! if I could afford it I would quit right now. Unfortunately I'm the salon manager and don't have a choice. I worry cuz I throw up so much and get dizzy its just not safe for the dogs. I don't lift the big dogs, I ask for help from a bather if I have one or people on the retail floor... I also have Kinda lost my patience with dogs recently... I've been having the same debate... If I had another groomer to take over the salon i would quit in a heartbeat.
  • Im a groomer. I work out of my house as well, but I just recently had to tell all my clients with dogs over 40lbs that I can't do them right now. Im 28wks. Im sticking to the little well behaved ones :) unfortunately I've decided to end my grooming career for good when baby arrives. Im gonna go back to school and chose a new path. I just don't make as much as I would like to. I love it but its tiring and stressful and im ready for a change.
  • Ya, my husband and I decided that once the baby comes I'm going to be a stay at home mother. So I just need to get through at least five more months of work. My hubby said he would be OK if I quit in my seventh month.
  • @smcox I know I get so dizzy. Ive had a few days ive had to reschedule dogs its not safe at all for us or dogs.... ahh u guys make. Me feel better...I'm happy I'm not alone in my struggle.....I don't do dogs over 65lb anymore but I'm thinking soon ill have to cut them completely out...luckily my customers who know I'm pregnant are understanding
  • Im a groomer and im gonna try and work till the end. I usee stairs for the larger dogs and electric table thats goes up and down sooo I dont do a lot of lifting
  • Not a groomer but I have a dog walking service. Its kinda tiring when they want to pull me down the block. Wish I could quit but unfortunately I love making my own money. I currently walk 2 cairn terriers who never want to walk the same path ( one goes north, while the other pulls south ugh ) and a crazy rott mix. This is my last month working. My question for u guys is how do u handle breathin all that fur?
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