Ok so I was reading this post then was watching dr.phil and there was a woman that was addicted to some drug and they showed some babies when they were born who's moms were taking drugs while they were pregnant and those poor babies were going through withdrawl... They were shaking uncontrollably... It was so hard sitting there and watch that I started to cry because it was so sad... I'm not trying to judge you but console in your doctor and let then know what it going on so that your baby comes into this works healthy
Not to be rude but I think everyone that thinks its ok is selfish n wrong. I have been on my death bed sicker then ever and I barely even take the meds my dr tells me to because it culd be bad. And ur child can be taken away because of drug abuse and no matter wat ne one says the baby could be addicted to the drug and culd die! My exs babys mom smoked the whole time she was pregnant with their son and he has major health problems one of which is his eyes stick n don't track right. So u need to think about it and be a mom!
Wow! Weed is NOT addictive! If you wanna quit then quit. Stop blaming it on being addictive that's just a BS excuse! I smoked from the time I woke up til I went to bed everyday! LITERALLY! Found out I am pregnant and haven't smoked since. You wanna be a good mother then stop thinking about yourself and worry about that baby inside you.
This is the second time I've seen this question posted on in the forum and the responses are pretty much the same as they were the last time. If your having trouble keeping food done or having nausea the doctor can give you something safe to take. The same goes for insomnia. Being a mom and being pregnant means that its not all about you anymore. Your unborn baby can't ask you to do what's right for it, it expects you to take care of him or her and keep it safe and loved. A little bit of nausea or loss of sleep is totally worth keeping your unborn baby as safe as possible. Also, what happens after the baby is born and needs your attention and youre. under the influence of drugs? Its understandable that the drug helps you sleep, but sleepless nights come with being a new mom. You'll be lucky if you get 2-3 hours at a time for the first couple of months.
Everyones different just like in pregnancy, have some compassion for people with illnesses including addictions...just because one person may not think it is doesn't mean the next will. EVERYONES DIFFERENT. and anyone who has a hard time with ending an addiction while pregnant should really consult a doctor to get help in getting better..no matter how many of you post that its wrong and horrible mothers, the ones who actually have the courage to even care enough to ask and be upfront about their problem should be treated with love and medical care....no matter if its cigs, weed...whatever.
I'm the same, @barbie. I loved my weed. But I love my baby more. And I'm 22 weeks, still throwing up. Its just part of the process. Not being mean, but there are ways to quit, and ways to curb the upset tummy.
@thirdtimesacharm obviously you didn't read her first post where she didn't care for judgments. Everyone in this post apparently smoked or smokes so do yourself a favor n go judge else where liil wannabe saint!!
My sister smoked pot with my nephew, he has several bone defects and some mental disabilities. I'm not against pot, at all and I know that it can help certain people.
I recommend that you wait until the pregnancy is over. As for not being able to sleep ask your obgyn if you can have some tylanol pm.
First of all those plus and minuses were put there to weed out the unsupportive and rude, not for your personel opinion on how a person lives their lives. There are alot of minuses on people just sharing their personel experiences. If u have a problem with a story one person is sharring, u need to get a life. I specifically said that if u didnt have any personel experience I didnt want to hear it. All comments were welcome whether they were pro weed or not. Those of u condemming others in a RUDE manner were ignored I promise u that. ANYWAYS just got back from first appointment. And my doctor said that yes if quitting cold turkey is too stressful then doing it gradually is the way to go. He also said that if stopping smoking maryj is quite impossible for u that there have been no studies that have found negative effects presiding to smoking weed only. Of course he informed me that quitting is in everyones best interest. And I quite agree. Smoking cigs and alcohol, he said, is a totaly different and more harmful level. As for any mothers continuing to smoke weed I dont condemn or condone, your body is your body and only YOU can make the right decision for YOU. Thank u all for ur stories and advice. Go in peace good luck and God bless. One Love
Thanks u too! I see u have pukey problems too but I dont mind, I kinda consider it a message from the kid every morning, like "hey mommy im still in here so watch it" lol
I'm sorry but how can u sit there and do that wen there is a possibility that it could hurt ur baby or get ur baby taken from u I just love my baby to much to do something like that
@rootzmama I love how you're handling people's negative comments. You did say in your first post that you didn't want judgements from people. Personally, I quit the day I found out and I've heard people say its fine and others say its not good, but I thought, why risk it? I'm even going vegetarian during my pregnancy so my baby doesn't get growth hormones while still inside me.
@VictoriaB O gosh girl good luck with that esp with all the cravings u will undoubtedly get lol im sure u have or are going to but research supplements n shit u need to take cuz there are some things ur baby needs that they cant get just through veggies. Ive never heard of the growth hormone thing, whats that and can it be harmful to ur baby or something?
Thanks to those who agree, the rest are just angry because I'm right. I can handle that.<3 Seriously good luck to you and baby. Like I said I'm a nurse in peds and just want ind preventable problems sad.
Smoking pot disrupts the babys blood flow, oxygen supply, cause SIDS, effect babys nerve system, preme, also low brith weight. Ur baby can develop an addiction befor its even born. Smoking also lowers ur immune system and during this time its already lowered enough so u don't reject the baby. If ur on medicade or any other gov ast. U could effect ur benefits or not be able to recive addtional help. Also if ur dr puts that u r smoking pot in ur chart u might not ever be able to get health ins ever again. I've seen it happen to someone I knew. If u think u can't be in trouble if its in ur system u r so wrong! Dcf can show up at anytime,watch u, and do any kind of investigation they want to. U test positive the surch ur home. 1 seed stem or flake means jail probation fines alsoa drug record and risk of loosing ur kid. I don't smoke but I'm not aginst it. We all decide what we do in our life. And have to live with it. Can u tell ur child when they are older "mommy did drugs when u were in the belly" what will that do to ur child if they ever found out. Might make them develop a lack in self worth. Think about it!
I thought no one knew for sure what can cause SIDS... I understand people have concerns, but its really not cool to spew "stats" that MAY not be correct, or from a reliable/credible source. At the end of the day @rootzmama is trying her best to understand the situation & go from there. We all have faults & flaws. & it takes a big person to seek help, especially when hormonal lol.
Just some random tidbit of information. I decided I Google zofran to see what effects it has on the fetus. I read that in New Zealand it is not considered safe to give to pregnant women because there haven't been enough studies to determine if it is safe or not. I found further, admittedly unofficial, anecdotal examples of mothers blaming zofran for brain defects and heart problems in their new borns that resulted in the death of their babies.
Remember the antinausea medicine from the 60s or 70s that gave the fetuses an incompetent cervix?
yea its the same reason maryj is used medically. For cancer paitents goin thru radiation and glocoma (spl) paitents eating disorders etc. weed has alot less side effects than most man-made medication and CAN BE safer to use. I dont care wat anyone has to say IT IS USED MEDICALLY ALL OVER THE US mostly on the west coast tho. Still not a good idea for pregnancy tho. Most other countries dont condone smoking weed while preggo but it is considered ok drink weed tea and cook with the herb while pregnant. Some of yall r just ignorant brown nosers. U dont see me preachin to bout ur shitty attitudes... Is there any other "drug" on this planet that is sold and smoked in publically government controlled coffee houses?? (europe) I think not. Btw watch the history channel we have entire towns in washington and indianna whose main crop export is marijuana and its LEGAL.
One more thing if u dont know how to read I never said that I personnaly continued to smoke besides that one incident when I first found out abt being pregnant. My urine test came back yesterday negative for cannibus BOO YAAAH
@rootzmama I'm sorry if you found my comment offensive, I didn't mean for it to be I just was responding to a comment on a forum that seemed to ask people for thier opinion if they have any personal experience. I may not have had first hand experience, I quit smoking pot a year before I got pregnant with my first, but I feel that having a family member who did smoke while pregnant was experience enough.
I also know that there are many benifits to smoking pot, I have a few friends who literally can not funtion with out it, not out of addiction but it helps them focus their thoughts. I didn't go into detail in this with my comment above because so many other people have already mentioned the benifits to it. To this day I still insist it is the only reason I got through high school, and was able to deal with my depression. So I wasn't trying to preach to you, or imply that you were a bad person for doing it. I agree with you about how it should be used medically, and I feel that the one of the many reasons why it is still vastly illegal is because it would be so difficult to tax it. I see pot as no diffrent then cigarettes or alcahole.
I'm glad that you talked to your practitioner about this and are going by his/her advice and that really is the only advice that matters, lets face it they know more about you and your health history then a few random forum members. That is why I suggested you try somthing else for the sleepless nights, but to ask your practitioner about it first, mine said that I should go ahead and take the pm meds to sleep, but as far as I know yours might think the idea is a surefire way to cause major birth defects. I missed the post where you said that you were going to your first appointment. I'm sorry, but it happens there is alot to read here. I know I shouldn't of assumed that you were already seen, it was wrong of me and I appoligize for that as well, but I think in the long run that is an honest mistake.
That being said, my comment was not intended to be rude or disrespectful towards you. I was simply stateing what I have seen, and my opinion on it. I only said that I recomend you stop because that is what I have been told and baised on what I have seen, I quit when I became pregnant. I don't know if my sister's smoking is what caused all of the issues my nephew has, or even if it contributed at all, the reason I quit was becasue I didn't want to risk it. But that is what I felt I needed to do.
I try to NEVER force my veiws and opinions on people who have not asked for them. To me it seemed like you wanted people who have seen the effects of pot smoking while pregnant (both negative and/or positive) other then just reading a web story or listening to that slop they shove down our throats in DARE class. I sincerly appoligize if it seemed like I was trying to tell you what you should do, I misinterpeted what you wanted, that is all. I understand how you could of found my comment offensive and rude, lets face it in the days of digital comunication anything can be taken anyway, even the little smilie faces can sometimes be seen as someone mocking someone else.
I know this is long winded but I wanted you to understand that I wasn't trying to judge you or try to tell you that your actions are harmful, the fact that you asked your practioner and were honest with them shows that you care about your baby and that you are a good mommy to be. Once again I'm sorry if I offended you, and I didn't mean for you to take my comment personally.
@conreeaght thanku and I took no offense to ur first comment whatsoever. U were by no means rude in what u had to say. I am genuinely sorry for the difficulties that have befallen your nephew. And I wish him and his mother the best. I love my weed but there is nothing in this world more important than the health of my baby, I dont even eat fried foods anymore! Lol I sincerely appreciate u being concerned that I was offended but I assure u I wasnt. My comments were geared more towards those with an almighty aire about them and u my dear seem as humble as they come thank u again for ur advice and concern, God bless!
@dollfacex0x0 im nineteen turning twenty in may, due in september lol friends sounds good, could always use more of those ! How old r u if u dont mind me askin
I recommend that you wait until the pregnancy is over. As for not being able to sleep ask your obgyn if you can have some tylanol pm.
I love how you're handling people's negative comments. You did say in your first post that you didn't want judgements from people. Personally, I quit the day I found out and I've heard people say its fine and others say its not good, but I thought, why risk it? I'm even going vegetarian during my pregnancy so my baby doesn't get growth hormones while still inside me.
Seriously good luck to you and baby. Like I said I'm a nurse in peds and just want ind preventable problems sad.
I understand people have concerns, but its really not cool to spew "stats" that MAY not be correct, or from a reliable/credible source.
At the end of the day @rootzmama is trying her best to understand the situation & go from there.
We all have faults & flaws. & it takes a big person to seek help, especially when hormonal lol.
Remember the antinausea medicine from the 60s or 70s that gave the fetuses an incompetent cervix?
Is there any other "drug" on this planet that is sold and smoked in publically government controlled coffee houses?? (europe) I think not. Btw watch the history channel we have entire towns in washington and indianna whose main crop export is marijuana and its LEGAL.
I also know that there are many benifits to smoking pot, I have a few friends who literally can not funtion with out it, not out of addiction but it helps them focus their thoughts. I didn't go into detail in this with my comment above because so many other people have already mentioned the benifits to it. To this day I still insist it is the only reason I got through high school, and was able to deal with my depression. So I wasn't trying to preach to you, or imply that you were a bad person for doing it. I agree with you about how it should be used medically, and I feel that the one of the many reasons why it is still vastly illegal is because it would be so difficult to tax it. I see pot as no diffrent then cigarettes or alcahole.
I'm glad that you talked to your practitioner about this and are going by his/her advice and that really is the only advice that matters, lets face it they know more about you and your health history then a few random forum members. That is why I suggested you try somthing else for the sleepless nights, but to ask your practitioner about it first, mine said that I should go ahead and take the pm meds to sleep, but as far as I know yours might think the idea is a surefire way to cause major birth defects. I missed the post where you said that you were going to your first appointment. I'm sorry, but it happens there is alot to read here. I know I shouldn't of assumed that you were already seen, it was wrong of me and I appoligize for that as well, but I think in the long run that is an honest mistake.
That being said, my comment was not intended to be rude or disrespectful towards you. I was simply stateing what I have seen, and my opinion on it. I only said that I recomend you stop because that is what I have been told and baised on what I have seen, I quit when I became pregnant. I don't know if my sister's smoking is what caused all of the issues my nephew has, or even if it contributed at all, the reason I quit was becasue I didn't want to risk it. But that is what I felt I needed to do.
I try to NEVER force my veiws and opinions on people who have not asked for them. To me it seemed like you wanted people who have seen the effects of pot smoking while pregnant (both negative and/or positive) other then just reading a web story or listening to that slop they shove down our throats in DARE class. I sincerly appoligize if it seemed like I was trying to tell you what you should do, I misinterpeted what you wanted, that is all. I understand how you could of found my comment offensive and rude, lets face it in the days of digital comunication anything can be taken anyway, even the little smilie faces can sometimes be seen as someone mocking someone else.
I know this is long winded but I wanted you to understand that I wasn't trying to judge you or try to tell you that your actions are harmful, the fact that you asked your practioner and were honest with them shows that you care about your baby and that you are a good mommy to be. Once again I'm sorry if I offended you, and I didn't mean for you to take my comment personally.