why do i have to.....



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  • yeah barb,..thats about the level you r on, drrry,...i dont like to be mean and am not a mean person so can anyone tell me how to block her
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  • ok this is getting to be much,...i was told tht this was a great place for friendship and support,...
  • btw my face has nothing to do mith my vajayjay/uterus
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  • they are always either married, in a relationship, or jailbait,...it sucks,..some ppl have no prob getting a good man,..i have struggled for so long,...im almost willing to settle X_X
  • sometimes i want to self medicate to relieve thetress/pain from me and baby
  • Maybe you are looking in the wrong places? Where do you find these losers?
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  • MEN,....NOT BOYS!!
  • Awwwwwe,....
  • I say y care wut ppl think and u gotta become a bitch then so be it u deserve a life of happiness so become tht it girl and suck life up and b u
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  • i never tell my age,...but im in my 30s
  • Ok I don't wanna be rude but.. Was this always a problem for you? even growing up? Is there anyone supportive you can talk too.. like your mother? I am getting kinda worried about your mental health here
  • i dont find them there, that seems to be where they find themselves, and barb there is nothing wrong eoth a smoke here and there
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  • my fam are all a holes,..and since highschool this is how its been for me
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  • i feel like this is a cry for attention.. pregly is a great place for advice & support.. but with such a general topic without any evidence for us to base answers on, its hard to support you.. im sure that your a wonderful looking person, you have 3 babies to prove that somebody cared enough about you to give them to you! & one on the way! i think your lack of confidence comes from the way you've been treated or maybe even the way people have talked to you.. not from your attractiveness.. because it seems to me you ahve a beautiful heart, you dont necessarily need a beautiful face.! your still someone young.. my mom didnt find true love until in her 40s.. and shes never been happier! it takes longer for some than others but dont get discouraged! keep your head up high! & good luck with your pregnancy! :) xoxo
  • imagine shaving once a week,...and your girls telling you thts for boys mommy
  • You said you were worried about how your daughter would look, are your other children boys or girls. And what do they loom like. I think all children are beautiful.
  • @new_mommy905 nooo 40 is way to long,....not looking for a roomate...im hoping the next year or so
  • look barb im getting fed up with you,..pls stop [-O<
  • Do you know what the baby is yet? You could always hope for a boy...
  • @barbie!!! lolz thats hilarious the jail is a good place to find bf!!! lolz that got me rollin... but yeah... sorry that youre ugly... or you think you are... i gave you my advice hope it helps.. you could always try plastic surgery... i hear thats all the rave now with moms
  • @manlymom_n_denial-sometimes you have no choice but to wait.. like i said, some people find it sooner than others... thats just the way life is! she's been happily married for 12 years now.. & it took her that long! theres someone special out there for everybody, you just havent found your true love yet, it will come..
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