why do i have to.....



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  • @jenn_929 - i think that was read the wrong way.. im saying like she needs help.. this post is a cry for help & she needs all the positivity she can get :) i didnt mean it to seem rude, at all... it was misunderstood...
  • well newmommy thx,...i guess,....but im having another girl , my boys are fine i just see me in my daughter and i worry about her future relationships. people already say wow three boys,...i know you hope this one is a girl,...and thts so hurtful to me and my daughter,

  • she asked me were we boys like aunt mildred,one time and i cut myself this is all while i was shaving,..cause tht was so shocking to me,..for her to ask tht while half of my face was covered with shaving cream,...i mean we have to be pretty bad, ppl talk everywhere we go
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  • never heard of tht jen,..mabe ill find a sugar daddy to help me with tht,...something has to be done, post haste

  • @kaloresxcierre-- she never clarified what she meant by that.. someone asked "smoke what?" but she never clarified, i think she meant cigarettes...
  • barb,..you can kiss my CRACK!!!,..ive been nice long enough
  • Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat >:-)
  • what do i look for men who like jaw bones???
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  • stress alone isnt good for the pregnancy.. i still smoke though.. & everyone does have their opinions on it.. but for someone whose been a smoker for a while, let me just say its HARD.. even when you have a baby to think about! ive cut down A LOT! i smoke 3 cigs a day now compared to the pack & a half i USED to smoke... :( i give myself another month & ill be done for good.. :) but im taking steps to quit & i WILL quit during my pregnancy.. some mothers dont.. :-/
  • @barbie well i was stating a fact that she had already stated so... and i was empathizing with her on her bad looks... i cant help her any more than anyone else here can what she needs to do @manlymom_n_denial is to talk to her doctor about her self hatred and maybe get some counseling... the only way others will see her as pretty is if she sees it herself... im not gonna coddle her and tell her that its whats inside that counts and beauty is in the eye of the beholder... because we all know that isnt the case with most men... her low self esteem has caused her to make mistakes with the men that she got with to have the children... and is continuing to cloud her judgement (referencing her statement about married men, men in relationships,and jailbait)... it also makes her an easy target for those looking for a one night stand... so if she wants to fix this problem coming on to a pregnancy forum probably isnt the best place to find help on feeling/being ugly unless it corrisponds directly with the pregnancy at hand, which isnt the case because she says she always feels like that... so yeah either she is fake and looking for attention or real and needs professional help... look at the disclaimer... WE ARE NOT PROFESSIONALS!!!
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  • WELL if could just get the love tht i have for these men for myself mabe i wouldnt need/want to smoke,..i know this is all my fault, im always remindedof this. but a joint helps \me mellow out and become more sociable,..i had to have one before comming here and i dont even know youpple,..any way just help me to think positive and mabe i can get over it all.
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  • @jenn_929 i think that was un called for... but hilarious!!! lolz
  • whered you get the underageboy thing from,..
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  • @manlymom_n_denial- i dont think that smoking weed is a good way to go, especially when your pregnant.. thats another thing that EVERYONE has different views on.. but to me, thats not right.. and shouldnt be something you use to relax.. try taking a bubble bath with lit aroma-therapy candles.. or even just laying in bed listening to sounds of the ocean or something.. those are relaxation methods.. not smoking pot.. but as i stated.. thats just my opinion...
  • i didnt plan on having to defend myself upon entering this website,..i know there are ignorant vaj holes everywhere,..but on site of my post,..wow grow up ladies
  • The CIA or FBI or whatever the hell those ppl are said they gonna delete my thing if I dont be nice so here it goes... Pluck dont shave, who cares if you look like a dude, smoke a joint if it helps and have a nice day!!! =D>
  • @jenn_929 jailbait=underage boys, baited jail= prison with all hot inmates
  • @ newmommy joints are aroma therapy have you ever smelled one,..very theraputic for my mind,..but thts my choice,..i am not hurting anyone here am i,..mabe you guys need one,..i know where to get the good stuff..
  • @manlymom_n_denial- as i said everyone has there different opinions on it.. you feel its okay, i, on the other hand, dont think it is.. i dont need a joint, im as calm as can be, always am.. i dont stress over silly things.. :) have a nice day...
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  • im sure ur beauty inside and out....just pluck away....unless ur a mud duck and cant get cute....there is another mud duck on here ya know...
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