why do i have to.....



  • just go quack ur tail feather
  • I know who it is @The Realist!!! ;))
  • @manlymom_n_denial hahaha thats freaking hilarious... you seriously think that is the way to get good advice and positive feed back here... most of the people are pregnant or trying to get pregnant... i know some do smoke weed but really woman... you wanna say that we need a joint... were pregnant!!!! i honestly think you should stop and think about what you want to say next because you are gonna cause alot of problems on this site and i will probably get an email saying to be nice but im not gonna... you sound like youre trying to sell us drugs... you have 3 kids whose dad's arent around wont answer on whether you have a job or not but you can smoke weed because it makes you feel better about yourself... i think that is bull...
  • and u will get any man u want
  • who is this manly broad here... boah i thought i was bad, she looks like she been beat with a bag of ugly,..she just boosted my self esteem to infinity, trying to tell me how to think..where do they do that at. girl boo find you something to do cum bucket
  • lmbo she needs my screen name, i need to be the barbi,...wow,...
  • her pic looks like it was taken for her medicaid card
  • @manlymom_n_denial i dont know who youre talking about manly... but really are you one to talk... youre on here complaining that youre manly yourself... not cool lady...
  • @mama_kat this thread needs to b deleted..I think it is getting out of hand..
  • get ur foodstamps yet,..lemme hold sumn
  • omg this is too funny i tried to be nice,..then im told how to think
  • @jenn_929 why whould she do that... all me wanted to do was help she didnt accept the things we said and kept sayin stuff and now shes dissin someone about being ugly... wtf...
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • And that matters y?
  • @manlymom_n_denial tried to be nice... is that what you think saying "maybe you need to smoke some weed" is... its not in my book... weed is illegal in the US... y
  • how can u guys tell me how to think,...what to feel,...now im all upset and have to deal with these kids
  • @uncaffeinated_katie... thanks!!! she is getting way out of hand!!!!
  • Would u rather me sit back and let everyone bash each other instead of act like adults? That doesn't seem very responsible to me...just saying..
  • i appologize,..i got beside myself
  • all of us did nothing but be nice to her & try to give her the best support & be positive with her! :( it makes me sad that people act like this when we were all so nice...
  • but i was bashed first, mammakat i got your inbox,...didnt know who u were sorry
  • manly we arent tellin you how to think we are telling you that you are posting things that are rude to other people... that if you dont accept our thoughts or opinions you can go look elsewhere for help... it says it all in the disclaimer... something you should have read before you posted
  • @Jenn_929 I just happened to open the post and read it thats all lol
  • so its my fault tht you guys jumped down my throat
  • @jenn_929 really that thing again... key word "APPRECIATED" not mandatory
  • and the mod. i so appologize,...i had no idea,...every one was starting to come down on me, and im use to defending myself,...sorry
  • manly... yep basically that is what i am saying... we offered you advice you didnt like it then told me to go and smoke weed to calm down...
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