Is sooo upset.. I want to cry!!

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
My husband pay was cut in half! A friend said to check our les and sure enough we are only getting $731 on the 15th! This fucking sucks!! We are suppose to get paid $1400 every two weeks..

Our car payment and insurance wont even get paid with that money.. Not to mention phone bill which we have to have or the army gets pissed b.c. they cant get ahold of you.. And FOOD!! like gahhh.. My husband wont even talk to me b.c. he is sooo pissed/ upset! I keep hearing him sniffle. I know he is so worried.

I don't really watch the news so what happened? And my husband has been on leave so ya. Did that bill get passed? How long is this going to last?

(Sorry if my language is vulgar) I am just super upset.

Trying to remain calm b.c. I am considered high risk pregnancy b.c. they haven't seen the heart beat yet.


  • Yeah....there's a government shutdown right now. They're saying that there's a chance that the military will get reimbursed. I'm sorry babe that's such bs and I'm sure extremely scary.
  • Oh my gosh are you serious? I am going to have to have my husband check our balance when he gets home! If it did get passed he is going to be so crazed. He was so stressed out yesterday, he couldn't even sleep lastnight. Idk what our normal pay is because we have a few things that get taken out as soon as he gets paid. My gosh I hope we atleast have enough for food! How do they expect these men to feed their families? We have two kids, & I'm pregnant, we absolutely have to have food!
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  • My prayers are with the military families that are getting screwed right now!!!
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  • Idk what to do since they cut my check. I have an allotment that automatically pays my rent so I won't see a dime in my account. I just want to cry n scream at the government I have a 2yr old and I'm 30 wks prego. What am I supposed to do?!?!?! :''(
  • Effn bastards, im sorry girls, i hope this dsent last long.....
  • The shutdown won't happen until midnight tonight..hopefully something gets done..obama said he would veto any temporary bill which pisses me off...some senators are trying to pass a bill that makes sure military gets paid nomatter what but the chances of it being passed by midnight tonight is unlikely..I'm f-ing pissed!!! I have so much to do this month appts because I'm in my second trimester has to get done and tricare dental doesn't cover much.
  • The mom of the child on my daycare said that she is only getting $430!! I cant believe it.. She said that they have until the 12th to make it 'real' or not. So it could change.. But I highly doubt they will lift it this month..

    I'm soo furious. We just got a house and the payment is $870. Our apt was $650 with all the bills.. We had a great budget so we knew we could afford this house.. But now we cant.. Derek stopped the automatic payment on his phone bill and he called on his 2011 car that he just got with his bonus money.. But he wont talk to me.. I asked what he found out and he just walked right past me..

    The kids are asleep so crying seems very easy right now.. :-((
  • @caitiecakes I don't even have dental.. I know I should.. I read something in my baby book about how it is important to go to the dentist while pg.. why?

  • @leggs2011 certain dental problems can cause low birthweight and premature labor if not treated during early pregnancy.
  • @leggs2011 well u might notice that ur gums may seem red lately its due to hormones..and tricare gives you an extra free cleaning in your second trimester..but I need two of my old fillings repaired and the only time my doc authorized that worked to be done was in my second trimester..which I saved money for it but now I'm gonna have to save it for bills.

    I just paid off most of ourcredits cards but looks like I'm gonna have to live off them while this shutdown is going on.
  • ohhh ok.. I know I have a cavity and I need a moler removed..

    Gosh I wish we got paid through Navy Federal.. We have an account with them but we get our payday through pnc bank which sucks..

    Navy federal is being AWESOME and paying the military families full pay. Navy federal is paying the families.. They are now on my good list.
  • Hell I have two credit cards I havent even paid on in two years or more. I planned on getting them both paid off before baby comes. We just bought a new pool and trampoline b.c. we thought we had the money.. Usually we put money back but we splurged this one month b.c. we were celebrating our anni and the move..
  • Idk what to do since they cut my check. I have an allotment that automatically pays my rent so I won't see a dime in my account. I just want to cry n scream at the government I have a 2yr old and I'm 30 wks prego. What am I supposed to do?!?!?! :''(
  • got paid 534 supposed to be 1100 after my rent allotment. wow they just messed me over I still have 200 in utilities 160 phone food and gas WTF government!!!
  • Usually of you inform your landlords and payment companies that's its something about the government spending and payment issues they will except a iou. I was reading on this and that's what they said as long as you can prove you were making the other half you are supposed to bee receiving, so hopefully you can try that. Hope all works out for everyone, and they also said that when funding gets reinstated, they will back pay ALL the wages cut, they just don't know when that its, this is so horrible to the families. Cut some senators pay, not those fighting to keep our country safe. Mst be nice every time you lift up a pen you get paid like 20, 000 $
  • Yea we will get the pay back later.. But My husband called honda and they will only push back our payment for a litte bit.. They are talking about paying us the half we aren't getting on the 15th to be paid on the 1st.. but what then? They might cut our payment in half on the first. So the bills just keep getting pushed and pushed and BAM there goes our credit and good renters..

    I am soo frustrated.. I know a bunch of soldiers are talking about not even going to work on monday. And half that are are talking about staying home after lunch.. At fort hood they are saying that none of the civilians who work for the government will be at work. So none of the food halls will be open, gas station, DAYCARES. How are soldiers suppose to show up for work when their daycare isn't open? They cant just pay another daycare or babysitter..

    arggggh X(
  • got paid 534 supposed to be 1100 after my rent allotment. wow they just messed me over I still have 200 in utilities 160 phone food and gas WTF government!!!
  • Just so everyone knows....LES's on mypay will be corrected this week. All military and reservists will receive NORMAL PAY on 15 APRIL 2011. There will be two bank will be for the 1-8 of April and the other will be for the remainder of your mid-month pay. All is well...not to worry fellow preglys. (I work for Humana and we were briefed at 7am on Saturday)
  • I'm very sorry ladies!
  • @saysay do you know about the 1st yet? Is that pay still in jepordy?
  • Our commander stated that pay will resume "as normal" on the 15 of April. I can only assume everything should be normal for the 1st as well. If you only get paid on the 1st than you probably won't be affected by any changes.
  • We get paid every 1st and 15th @saysay.. We split up our bills so we have bills on both days.. So each payday is very crucial to have..
  • edited April 2011
    Us too!! Hey @Leggs2011. Are you at Ft. Sam?? I'm currently in Nashville, my husband just got notified that he may be going there in the next month or so. He's currently out in the field doing GI Joe stuff (what i like to call it) and I only get to see him once a month or so..but it looks like we may be going there right around when I'm 5 months.
  • edited April 2011
    No we are at fort hood, tx @saysay .. NEVER come here! haha.. With Dereks mos he can only go to like 4 or 5 places.. We thought about going to the Carolinas.. But his mos would change and he would deploy a lot.. So we decided againsts it.. But in a year or so we can pcs to Hawaii!! I think it would be a good change.. An experience I wouldn't be able to do if he wasn't army..
  • Hey just to let you know I am mil and they just released that we are getting paid full it will just come in two deposits because they already released the les
  • yea it said that on mypay Sat.
  • Wow girls am sry u guys r goin through this. I know how hard it is my husband can't work so been that we lost a lot now am trying to figure it out either 900 a month. Pulling my hair. Out
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