Rhogam shot... help?

okay so im RH- and i was told by my dr that i needed the rhogam shot at 26 weeks & also after birth... a friend of mine went for the shot yesterday and is now telling me that the dr only gave it to her to be safe & that she doesnt need it after birth... people are on her FB telling her that if she doesnt get it she can die, and all kinds of other stuff... but i just read up online, that some people get it after birth if their baby is rh+ & the mother is RH-.. but i also read that if one parent is RH- the baby is almost 100% guaranteed to be negative too.! im SO CONFUSED.. because if i dont need it again after birth, i dont want it.. ive heard it contains Mercury and that its not safe.. & im scared.. i also read that some people didnt get it & their babies were fine... & some even said that it causes Autism... IDK what to think!!! someone PLEASE just make me feel at ease :( :( :( :(


  • My bestfriend had that, its not so bad really. They gave her 4 total cuz her body was trying to.fight off the pregnancy. Its not bad for the baby, and usually generally needed to keep the baby alive. I'm not sure about the mercury other than its not enough to harm you or the baby. Def as about and what not and talk to you dr if you still worry :)
  • edited April 2011
    Im preg wit 5th baby.im rh- .my oldest daughters father was a positive so I got shot when I was preg but she had negative blood so I didn't not need after birth.my hubby is positive so I get one every pregnancy and so far they have all had his blood type so I have to get one after there born as well.
  • Im rh- so i get the rogham at 28 weeks for each pregnancy. My husband is rh+. Our daughter came out rh+ like her dad so i had to get the rogham again after i delievered her.
  • The rhogam shot cant kill you, it can have an effect where your body eats your baby.. Mine did that but in early stages of pregnancy (5wks) nothin to be worried about a lot of ppl are rh-
  • I have to get the shot too its ok tho as ling as u have no antibodies
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  • @simplyraven22406- i dont really have major "concerns" just was wondering everyones opinions & what they have heard, lol i need the shot my dr says & i trust him very much... just a few things bothered me.. i know that having negative blood is alot more common than i thought.. so theres alot of input on the internet, but the few concerns i do have will be taken up with my dr... just wanted to see everyones point of view on it...

    i dont think it causes death.. some girl told a friend of mine that.. & the only thing i have heard is that, if your baby is rh+ and your RH- that if you dont get it, your blood could mix & cause you problems in future pregnancy's... hmm...

    just want everyones point of view & opinions :)
  • Rhogam has saved the lives of a lot of babies. It doesn't have mercury in it, its made from human plasma. Your biggest risk is that you could possibly get some infectious disease like aids, but thats extremely rare. Id rather get shot then live with the fact that my body attacked and killed my baby, that would be horrible. Im definitely all for it :)
  • @rockinmomma- ive heard so many stories, idk what to believe.. im asking my dr if its absolutely necessary.. if it is then ill get it, otherwise im not.. & it does contain mercury.. its not enough to do major HARM to the baby or myself, but it is in there... idk it just worries me for my friends sake.. thats all :)
  • It contains thermisol (sp?) Which contains a type of mercury that has very little evidence of toxicity in humans. CDC stepped in and now rhogam can only be manufactured with trace amounts of the thermisol. so unless your getting an old box then thats really the least of your worries. Idk, anything to save my baby in my opinion.
  • lol yeah, i knew it wasnt much! i just knew it was in there.. idk all that kinds of stuff worries me & of course, anything to save my baby.. if thats what it takes then thats what ill do :)
  • At least your cautious and give a damn about what they put in your body :) a lot of women just take their doctors word for it, which is normally fine but I think its definitely better to ask questions.
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  • From what I understand your RH is your blood type. And if you're O- then your RH is - which is why you got the shot.
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  • When your RH compatibility is off, your body wants to treat baby like a foreign body and attack it. You need the rhogam. As for the thermisol causing autism, look up the doctor that produced the study linking vaccienes to autism--he falsified his outcomes. I actually work at a large medical facility that has an entire building dedicated to studies/treatment of autism. It's good to want to know what's being put into your body and how it will effect your baby, but in this instance, it's for both of your health. :)
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  • They do make a mercury free shot..
    .try searching mercury free Rhogam on -line. I asked my dr. to let me have the box so I could read the ingredients.You will only need the shot after birth if your babies blood is +, they will check it right away. I have had the shot 11 times with no side effects.
  • i know why i need to get it lol, ive known about it since i was 14... i just have heard many many different stories of people not getting it & being fine & having lots more children... i just really wanted everyones input on it.. & to see if anyone else may have not gotten it & are fine.. :) thanks everyone for all of your opinions & what not! xoxo
  • What is RH?
  • Being Rh- myself, i had to get rhogam shot at 28 wks and after birth with My son.. And had a MC in 09 and had one then.. They generally give u a card to record each time u have the shot. Ill also be getting it again this time around.
  • I think it would be beneficial for you and your baby if you did it twice, I haven't seen or heard of it causing autism. My friend had to have it. And about the mercury alot of shots you and the baby (and all kids) will recieve contain a small amount of mercury. For instance the H1N1 (swine flu) and many other shots contain mercury. Just something I learned being a medical assistant.
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