Discharge with a little blood...

edited April 2011 in November 2011
Has anyone else had a little string of blood in discharge after a bm?


  • I haven't had this but were you straining to go?
  • How far along are you?
  • I strained a little. I am 7w2d.
  • It prob. normal but if you see more blood than that amount I would call the doc. With my first I had a BAD bm and I started bleeding. Turns out I had a blood clot between placenta and uterus. And the pushing squeezed the blood out. But I bleed alot. So just an eye on the amount of blood comes out. My first is 6 years old now so it did not affect the baby.
  • I had some spotting when I was about 6 weeks but it went away! I'm now 17 weeks so u should be fine:))
  • Okay thank you! I never had this with my first so it is making me worry a little. There is not really any "just blood"and it is kind of pink. I will watch it and pray it doesn't keep happening.
  • This justttt happened to me too!! I was hysterical. My doctor said that as long as it was pink and not red, that it was very little, and that I wasn't having cramping or sharp pains then it was nothing to worry about. <3
  • That is relieving! Thank you for posting! Has it happened more than once? I have had it 3 times but only during bm and then its gone!
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