well well well..

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Well it looks like im the next to be deleted from this site...all due to lil snitches that say oh mamakat plz close this retarded discussion i opened that is having ppl actually voice their opinions and truth. Well when everyone gets deleted just download the baby center app n take over the forum there!!!!


  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I hate babycenter its full of snobs
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I posted my opinion...look in my discussions about update on spotting
  • Buggar :/ this is a crisis! SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!
  • SMH.......what ever happened to freedom of speech???
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • It's deleted
  • Yea i got an email saying i questioned her faith...i dgaf how religious u r IM BEING REALISTIC hellooo
  • Omg! This is craziness
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • That is a shame, but sometimes people might take things to heart. I know since I've been pregnant, i cry at anything. From something on TV to something I read. Hormones affect some people more then others.
  • Its in my comments section...topic was "update light spotting"
  • Wtf! Questioned her faith? You gave her a realistic answer AND you actually gave her positive feedback that her baby could be ok! I think the muds are just sitting back waiting to "send ppl to the principals office"!
  • Ok, I found it! This is gettin out of hand
  • last time i checked we are all grown..dnt need lil mods to ban us n shit all cuz posting in a forum our opinions like thats the frikin point! I got 1 momma i dnt need another one MAMA KAT!!
  • People throw the hormonal word around vom often. Yeah it affects people differently, but if you post something and dont like the advice or whatever you get back dont spit your dummy out. Hope you dont get banned cos of it x.
  • Mama_Kat sent you a message. Posting hateful comments and attacking another member of Pregly is not acceptable. Nor is judging another individual for their faith. For someone else to believe that they are "meant" to have and not to loose their child is 100% normal and for them to believe that dose not take away from you or your life in any way. Any further comments made by you that violate forum rules will result in your account being disabled. -Mama_Kat, Pregly Support Team ---Follow the link below to check it out:
  • Posting a discussion for the sole purpose to complain about a member or something that was said is asking for problems. Part of the forum guidelines clearly states not to do so; @Mama_Kat was refreshing your memory that it was unacceptable. Please refrain from this behavior.

    Mrs Del Rae, Pregly Support
This discussion has been closed.