having a girl n just found out husband not to. happy

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
He was thinking boy :(


  • He needs to get over it. A healthy child no matter what sex is the blessing from God......
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  • Once your little girl is born he'll be thrilled :) my boyfriend has a little girl from a previous marriage and when we got pregnant last year he was hoping for a boy but out came this beautiful healthy baby girl and he couldn't love her more. We are now expecting our second child together in June and he is hoping for a boy but I know he'll love it no matter what. Give him some time to come around. Not many men want little girls, they scare them.
  • I'm sorry- my hubby didn't say much at first with our girl & I could tell he was disappointed because he was so sure all along it was going to be a boy... but as soon as he saw her, he was wrapped so tightly around that bright pink little finger there was no hope, lol... I'm sure yours will come around when he meets her! =)
  • Awww thats sad
  • I convined myself I was having a girl and got a few more girl outfits than boy outfits before we found out. and when we found out we were having a boy, I cried, I'm not gunna lie! but after talking to my fiance and my parents it really doesn't matter as long as my baby is health, and I'm forever blessed for being given such a gift!
  • I was opposite. I wanted a lil boy so I could do the lil league games and stuff. Had my name all picked out. When I found out it was a girl I was upset for a whole weekend. But I'm happy now. I can do matching outfits for us!
  • I just feel disappointed. At him
  • Aww hun Dw. My sister and I went to her ultrasound to see what she was having. She called her fiance it was a girl and he swore at her and hung up!! Then he wouldn't answer his phone. I still think he's a tool but he love love loves his little girl and is the best daddy!
  • Tks I hope God helps me
  • edited February 2011
    Got an idea.. go out & get a little outfit.. make it say daddys girl, daddys princess, something! & see how he acts :) I'm the oldest of just two girls.. I played basketball, softball/fastpitch, cheered, & did gymnastics competitions, my daddy didn't miss any of the games or competitions & I began gymnastics first at age 3.. not once was he not there with me.. & I'm the BIGGEST daddys girl. He stills calls me princess to this day & I'm married & living a state away. Nothing breaks a daddy & his bond with his baby.. boy or girl.. just help your husband through it in cute ways!
  • lisardelis, do not worry.. I believe he has been thinking deeply and when the baby born... it will impact him! Stay strong and faith. A baby is coming first in your thought :)
  • My husband has three girls from previous marriage and one with me. I understand how you feel cause he won't even consider the fact that we could be having another girl. I'm worried and don't want to find out at all. But in the end they are their babies and they will love them no matter what. You know what they say women become mothers once they know they are preggo men become dads when they hold their baby for the first time. Good luck
  • A little disappointment is usual, if he wanted a boy because of the whole daddy son sports thing go out and buy her a baby Jersey with his favorite player on it or a little cheerleader outfit. Just because she is a girl doesn't mean she will be all glitter and tutus.
  • My boyfriend has wanted a baby boy forever. This is our first and we are having a boy. Now he wants a girl instead. Go figure. He will love her no matter what, and you can always try for a boy next time if you want to. Good luck with your perfect baby girl that you will soon receive.
  • My Husband was the same exact way. Then we had a girl. Got pregnant again, we had a girl! Pregnant with third, he just wants healthy. He loves his little girls more then anything. He'd like a boy this time around, but said another girl is fine, because they are so cute! It'll change when he sees and holds his baby girl
  • A very good friend of mine was the same way when he found out their first was a girl. Very disappointed. After she was born he thought she was the greatest. When his wife was pregnant for the second time he told me he hoped it was another little girl. He was disappointed, again. Lol. Your guy will get over it. Daddies love their girls.
  • My husband was bummed when we found out we were having a second girl...so I made sure to stock up on his favorite sports teams girl clothes for her...he started getting excited then when she was born it was all over...now she is his best buddy and he is hers.
  • You should remind him that the sperm decides the gender so you had nothing to do with it! Lol
  • My boyfriend really wanted a little boy, because he could wrestle him and teach him how to box. He just smiled when he found out she was a girl, and never made one complaint. We went to the baby stores to buy outfits, and I really liked this little jumper thing that was fleece and a very soft blue with a daisy on it, and his response was, "no! She wants pink!" It was so cute.
  • Exactly what I was going to say starxoxo9! Tell him if he's not happy to choose better next time! :)
  • When we found out that our first was a girl my husband was quiet for a while. I asked him if he was disappointed and he said "Yes... I don't know how to raise a girl!" I reminded him that we were having our first child and didn't know how to raise a boy either! After a day or two he started getting excited. And she was a daddy's girl before she was born. He'll come around.
  • My husband told me today he's hoping for a girl, I was shocked! Now we have a bet going, even though I think it's a girl. Men will be happy with either once they rap their head around the fact that they get to teach another person everything they know, plus every daddy wants his princess =)
  • Give him time I am sure he will come around. With my #3 and hubbys #1 I was convinced it was another boy and we found out at the ultrasound it was a girl he wouldn't talk to me the hole way home. She is 9 now and daddys girl and has been since about 1 week after finding out. But I know he is crossing his fingers and toes this time around for a boy but I know in my heart he will love her just the same if its another girl.
  • Thanks everyone it puts a smile in my face :)
  • When my brother found out he was having a girl he actually walked out of thw ultrasound room and left...he came around tho and he loves his daughter so much...
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