baby daddy drama!!!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Is anyone else sick and tired of being left at home all weekend while ur bd goes out n does w.e he wants?! I'm so sick of this shit I cnt take it anymore n im way too emotional to deal with it! I'm sixk of crying over his bullshit. Then on top of it he lies about wut he's doing and when he will be home and some nights like tonight, he don't come home at all...I'm so sixk of it really.


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  • This right here is why im glad I have nothing to do with my baby daddy. No stress. I totally understand where you're coming from though, and I know how bad it hurts/sucks. Im sure its 10x worse because you're preggo. Sorry you gotta deal with that!
  • Thnx...u can't win! Having a bd sucks and not having a bd sucks. But hats the point in having one if he's not there?! Might as well not have one.
  • I feel u girl 100 % my bd always goin out n whn I decide I wanna go out "i cnt go ne where cus im pregnant" lol I mean
  • @gabschillin trust me, sometimes its better when bd isn't there.
  • start doing it to him! even if its just to go to a friends and fams and stay the night without telling him. see how he will like it. my bd did this to me when my daughter was about 2. neglected us for about 5months even financially. if it happened to me while i was preg im scared i wouldn't of been able to handle it. it has def made me stronger though. there a.holes and wont realise what they got til its gone! we deserve better
  • Ur right but I don't have it in me to do it to him ya kno? But I did.tell him once I state work again I'm out I don't need him n I Dre don't deserve it
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  • Wow that freakin sucks!! Keep ur head up mommy!
  • I def feel u just finished arguing with mine on the phone cause I called him at 12 and no answer and now u calling me at 4 saying u was at the club....hell naw man u cant be serious...and its EVERY weekend but I get grief for wanting to spend quality time together when i feel like with the baby coming u need to be here right now for me and hell it makes me more upset cause he didnt know what i could be calling for..
  • yeah i know what you mean. hopefully he blimin settles down and realises whats important soon chin up.
  • My husband wont leave to go anywhere when I don't want to go, sometimes I'm scared that it might change cause he really misses his friends. Good thing he hates clubs. Sorry your going through this I wouldn't put with that. Man I really feel for you.
  • @simplyjenai that's exactly what I go through...this nigga told me last night he wasn't coming home !!! He was out partying with his friends n didn't wana drive home, mind u I almost went to the hospital last night bc I thought I was in labor but it was braxton hicks and I had to call my gma at 2 am bc he had the car n I was home alone! I'm Damn near 30 weeks prego he cnt b doin this shit! @cuban_daisy ur so lucky I hope he stays good for u bc its stressful and not good for tje baby, prolly why I had contractions last night!
  • @jellybeaning11 thnx for the support mayb one day when I'm not pregnant ill leave his ass home alone with the baby while I gp party with my girlfriends n ignore his calls!!
  • @adriansmommy we can be bd buddies cause they seem to b just alike...smh
  • @SimplyJenai thts good I need someone to vent to! He is still not home havnt seen him since 10am yesterday
  • @adriansmommy I feel you on all that girl. Mine has his good moments but I def seen more of him gone.....
  • Yes wen its good its really good but he always gotta fxk it up!!
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