9 weeks pregnant but U/S showing 6 weeks

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Just had my first ultrasound on Friday. The us tech said the baby measures at 6wks, even though I should be 9wks according to the 1st day of my last period and I was tracking my ovulation. We couldn't get a heartbeat, just saw the pole. We are going back for another us in 1 week to see if the baby is growing and if there is a heartbeat, or if I mc. This is my 1st pregnancy, if you or someone you know has had a similar experience good or bad please let me know. Thanks.


  • Well mine isnt that big of a difference but mine was off 5 days.
  • I'm sorry :( I hate to add my experience, but I mc when that happened. That is a big difference in weeks. But maybe you didn't conceive when u thought u did. With this pregnancy my u/s didn't match my LMP. Come to find out, baby was fine. I was off with my calculation.
  • My LMP didn't match either... & my edd was off by 9 days.. I'm now 22 weeks :)
  • Thanks everyone

    Cinnabon did you get pregnant again right after your mc or did it take a while?
  • With this one it was 15 days later than predicted by last period. Sometimes you ovulate late. With my 4th I knew I was pregnant before the test could come back positive cause I got milk. Then I went in for 3 ultrasound that told me I wasn't as far along as thought because she still had the sac! Early u/s are the best way to establish due date now.
  • I'm sorry, this is scary :( My first u/s was off from my LMP by like 12 days, at that time they determined me to be 5w4d and there was no heartbeat, just fetal pole. I was so scared! I have had two u/s since then and they moved the due date up a little, now it is 1 week off from my LMP, but it makes sense for me because I have longer cycles and ovulate late, so I knew it would be about 1 week off. So I am now 9w2d, they saw the heartbeat at my 2nd u/s when I was like 7w4d, and again at my 3rd. I will be thinking of you and praying for the best. 3 weeks off does seem like a big difference, but I've learned that science...and ovulation kits...are not always 100%!
    It could be possible that you concieved a bit later than you thought...and if the first u/s measurements were off this could all be possible. My first u/s would have been off by like 5 days from the last two dates they've given me based off of ultrasounds. Sorry this got long, hope it helps though. Keep me posted :)
  • For anyone who had a miscarriage, did your Dr. do anything different afterwards, like taking daily baby aspirin or anything?
  • I have the same problem with my son and now with this baby too I do the ovulation chart and so I kn when my last prod was I am 13 wks pregnant my my due date is oct. 15 my first us said nov 3 this one I just had said oct 23 but im not worried I have small babies and with gauge everyone was worried but he caught up by the end. I gestational diabetes and he was still only 5lbs and 12oz. Im just saying as kong as the baby is growing don't worry im sure it will be fine :)
  • Mine said due date sept 12th and I thought due date sept 16th they told me ultrasound is pretty accurate and to go by it.
  • U may have ovulated late and didn't know? ???
  • When did u get a bfp? (At what week) most women can get it at 4 weeks (2 weeks after period) but if it was later for you then just maybe you aren't as far along as you thought. Good luck keep us posted.
  • I got my bfp at 4 wks
  • Ur wks from ur lmp is 9 wks but ur bby is 6 due to the conception date...trust me I was confused...im 16 weeks n my bby is 14 wks
  • You could be off like the other ladies mentioned, but jic I would keep the pregnancy secret until.2nd trimester
  • I went two weeks ago, I was suppose to be 6weeks, the doc told me that I looked to only be 4 weeks....I was scared and nervous bc I had to have a DNC in Oct...fast forward 2 weeks later at 8 weeks from my calculation...and the baby was there right on track measuring at 8 weeks. From what I have read and heard this happens a lot....don't worry about it, I am sure everything will be fine. Good bless!
  • Oops...GOD Bless
  • Thanks so much for all the feedback, I will keep everyone updated.

    Ash1la, when u had the dnc was it painful? How long did you have to wait afterwards to ttc, and did your Dr. do anything diff to monitor you because of the previous mc or have you take baby aspirin or anything?
  • Yes, I conceived right away. Actually didn't get a period in between! My other m/c, no I did not do anything different afterwards. I do not suggest taking baby aspirin or any other aspirin product when TTC because u don't wanna be on it when u do conceive and not know it. Aspirin is very dangerous to the fetus.
  • This happened to me with both pregnancies with my son they said I was seven weeks but the us said two now with this one they said I was nineand a half weeks but I was six and a half my doc said I just ovulate later than most women that's all. ;)
  • @ali968 this has happened to me. 8 found out i pg on the 26 of Feb, @ that time is 5wks+, had bloodwork on Mar 15 show hcg levels were 7wks but should have been 9wks, had u/s don on 30th showed bby was only 7wks 3d but should have been 10+ so my new date is Nov 14, not Oct 25
  • If I go by my last period I should be 19 weeks prego but I have PCOS so I ovulate really irregular so I'm actually 14 weeks. They couldn't find the heartbeat with my first ultrasound because I was only 6 week along instead of 11 like I thought.
  • By the way they found the heartbeat one week later :)
  • Mine u/s was ahead from my due date by a few days..weird..
  • I have pcos too
  • Thanks ladies, hopefully my us on Friday will just show I was off on my dates. I haven't had any spotting/cramping, and continue to have morning sickness (i actually just got sick again this morning)
  • I went in for ultrasound I was supposed to be 8 weeks I was only five weeks.. no fetal pole or anything visible through transvaginal ultrasound.. so my hcg levels were monitored because doctor thought it was a miss miscarriage.. but levels were tripled every two days . Went for a second ultrasound five weeks later still measuring 3 weeks off the baby measured at 9w4d but I was supposed to be 11+ .. there was my baby little bean and flickering heart.. I'm now 16 weeks since conception but 19 weeks since lmp.. it is very confusing but I go with my ultrasound due date September 26.. I'm sure the baby is just too small to be seen.. Good luck in your progress ...
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