9 weeks pregnant but U/S showing 6 weeks
Just had my first ultrasound on Friday. The us tech said the baby measures at 6wks, even though I should be 9wks according to the 1st day of my last period and I was tracking my ovulation. We couldn't get a heartbeat, just saw the pole. We are going back for another us in 1 week to see if the baby is growing and if there is a heartbeat, or if I mc. This is my 1st pregnancy, if you or someone you know has had a similar experience good or bad please let me know. Thanks.
Cinnabon did you get pregnant again right after your mc or did it take a while?
It could be possible that you concieved a bit later than you thought...and if the first u/s measurements were off this could all be possible. My first u/s would have been off by like 5 days from the last two dates they've given me based off of ultrasounds. Sorry this got long, hope it helps though. Keep me posted
Ash1la, when u had the dnc was it painful? How long did you have to wait afterwards to ttc, and did your Dr. do anything diff to monitor you because of the previous mc or have you take baby aspirin or anything?