Ewww Why??

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
I was wondering am I the only one that uses the bathroom (urine) on myself a little when I cough or sneeze... this is a little embarrassing for me to ask that.. I'm jus tired of changing underwear all damn day!!


  • me and my boyfriend were walking and i sneezed and peeed myself a lil. he was laughing at me the whole way home!
  • Im on preg #5 .it only gets worse with each preg.I pee on myself all the time.I wear a pad.maybe tmi but even when im not preg I have to wear a pantyliner everyday just encase.
  • SAme.. 4th..gets worse!! It's all I do when I cough, sneeze, vomit!! I grabbed a pad in my locker room, I'm hugely preggers btw, then I had to explain myself to the other ladies in there! Lol embarrassing
  • Lol thanks ladies for your inputs.. ima start using a pad, I guess I forgot about pads since I'm prego lol but yes this is my 3rd child n it does seem like its worse with this pregnancy..@cgm1113 dnt feel bad , my boyfriend also laughs at me lol
  • lol. sorry ladies. but its funny. I like making her laugh hard enuff so it happens. makes the joke even funnier when u know u made her pee (:
  • @VettyVett lol Okayy good! But I could admit at that time I kinda laughed too. :D
  • lol omg.. my boyfriend does that to.. I know he get a kick out of it lol
  • @firsttimedaddy oh that's just mean lol. I've peed on myself a few times when I laugh or sneeze or cough or pretty Mich anything lol. And this is my 1st oh man I'm in for the long haul lol!
  • @VettyVett Nope, not the only one. I'm 36 weeks now and have been doing it for a while. Life was really fun when I caught a cold several weeks back. (Wish I would have thought about the pad thing back then.)
  • @firsttimedaddy... my husband laughed so hard at that! I fear he is going to try it now...... I haven't had that problem yet, but I know it will come.
  • it happens to me now so I wear pantyliners
  • @kingsmama lol I know huh @minionmom sorry for giving ur husband a good idea
  • your not the only one . i do it too . and my boyfriend does it on purpose !!!!
  • im pregos with my first and ive completely peed myself while throwing up, i hate it! but my husband doesnt laugh at me which is great cause i think i would cry! im 29 weeks along and the peeing is getting worse. i go through pads as if i had a period :-((
  • Use panty liners
  • No your not the only one it started with my last. I wear panty liners. And with my last when I got sick and was coughing a lot I put a hospital pad on the bed, better than cleaning it up all the time!
  • Me too girl!!! You're not alone lol.
  • edited April 2011
    How come noeone posted on here to do the keegle exersizes do they not work? Cuz I hate doing them but I have the same issue and I thought it was sposed to help. Lol
  • I do it all the time. It's gross but I can't help it.
  • Wow I'm so happy to hear I'm not the only one because my nxt step was asking my doctor about it lol lol lol but thanks ladies n gentleman lol u all were s big help:):):):)
  • I do it too LOL kinda sucks!
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