I was wondering am I the only one that uses the bathroom (urine) on myself a little when I cough or sneeze... this is a little embarrassing for me to ask that.. I'm jus tired of changing underwear all damn day!!
Im on preg #5 .it only gets worse with each preg.I pee on myself all the time.I wear a pad.maybe tmi but even when im not preg I have to wear a pantyliner everyday just encase.
SAme.. 4th..gets worse!! It's all I do when I cough, sneeze, vomit!! I grabbed a pad in my locker room, I'm hugely preggers btw, then I had to explain myself to the other ladies in there! Lol embarrassing
Lol thanks ladies for your inputs.. ima start using a pad, I guess I forgot about pads since I'm prego lol but yes this is my 3rd child n it does seem like its worse with this pregnancy..@cgm1113 dnt feel bad , my boyfriend also laughs at me lol
@firsttimedaddy oh that's just mean lol. I've peed on myself a few times when I laugh or sneeze or cough or pretty Mich anything lol. And this is my 1st oh man I'm in for the long haul lol!
@VettyVett Nope, not the only one. I'm 36 weeks now and have been doing it for a while. Life was really fun when I caught a cold several weeks back. (Wish I would have thought about the pad thing back then.)
im pregos with my first and ive completely peed myself while throwing up, i hate it! but my husband doesnt laugh at me which is great cause i think i would cry! im 29 weeks along and the peeing is getting worse. i go through pads as if i had a period :-((
No your not the only one it started with my last. I wear panty liners. And with my last when I got sick and was coughing a lot I put a hospital pad on the bed, better than cleaning it up all the time!
How come noeone posted on here to do the keegle exersizes do they not work? Cuz I hate doing them but I have the same issue and I thought it was sposed to help. Lol
Wow I'm so happy to hear I'm not the only one because my nxt step was asking my doctor about it lol lol lol but thanks ladies n gentleman lol u all were s big help:):):):)