5weeks pregnant but not telling anyone yet so I would love to talk to other mommies to be!

edited January 2011 in First Trimester
Hi guys I'm due September 29th and have my first doctors appointment on friday. Because of numerous previous miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy we aren't going to ralph anyone until the end of the first trimester. So I would LOVE to talk to other expecting moms =)


  • Tell anyone not ralph haha my cell phone sucks
  • Im 16weeks today due july16th I found out when I was 4 weeks
  • congrats im due on sept 28 and we are keeping our mouths shut as long as we can. I understand the feeling of needing to talk to someone about it. good luck amd congrats again
  • Yeah I really want to tell people but realize I should wait. I'm really excited though.
  • Congratulations! We kept to ourselves until about 13 weeks which was a bit difficult...especially when someone offered me a cocktail lol
  • Yeah I've been trying to think of am excuse for why I can't go snow tubing this saturday for my brother in laws birthday haha
  • u fell down n bruised ur butt lol. that might work. we tried to keep oir moths shut n not tell everyone right away. but I really couldn't. I was too happy. I only waited till after she went to the clinic n got final confirmation. lol
  • Yeah it's really hard not to tell haha maybe I'll say I have stomach flu symptoms since I feel nauseous anyway haha. Awesome that you are a dad that is do excited.how far along is your wife?
  • My Edd is Oct 1 so im not very far along aswell. I haven't told anyone except one of my teacher's and my boss. My boyfriend is extremely excited aswell and opened his mouth as soon as we found out pretty much. I'm just nervous aswell due to a previous miscarriage.
  • Yeah I've had 3 miscarriages and one ectopic pregnancy so we are keeping it quiet for now. I told my best friend and my boss. My boss is all excited haha
  • my baby baby is 6 weeks n 4 days. (:
  • Nice. Had she had her first ultra sound yet?
  • nope. we really want a girl. she had her first dr app on the first. they usually dont do the us till like 15 to 17 from what I been told so we hasn't a long time to wait. lol.
  • We aren't saying anything either but I told a friend before we decided to wait til our us when im ten weeks. I have to tell me boss and ill be limited on what I can do at work so ppl will figure it out soon. Just not telling friends or families yet its so hard!! Only 4 wks2days so have a ways to go :(
  • Im only four weeks and 3 days edd is oct 1 im super excited im on the hush hush too so im glad to find this app to talk to other 2bmommies ;)
  • Im 4 weeks and everyone knows everyones buisiness lol
  • Hey girl.. I hope everything goes well for you. I'm hav a girl. June 16
  • I told everyone the day I found out, I was sooo excited still use any excuse to tell random people that I am expecting. Share the miracle I say lol hope all goes well and god bless u and ur precious package
  • Hi preggers that is my due date also... I don think I'm telling anyone til I see and hear that my baby is okay.
  • I'm in the same boat. I'm. 5w2d and I found out on Monday. I don't wanna say anything due to my family history of miscarriages (mom had 7), so only a few people know. It's hard keeping it secret. Especially since my mom keeps asking where my period is. Lol
  • It is SOOOO hard to keep it a secret! Haha I have my first doctors appointment tomorrow but we probably aren't going to tell anyone until I'm close to the end of my first trimester due to my history. We are super excited though. When I told My husband he told me he rally thinks this is the one and that everything will be ok this time. I lived that man haha and I have a good feeling too. So is anyone living in the very child state of MN? That's where I am and I just moved here from CA about 6 months ago.
  • My pee wasn't even dry on the stick before everyone in the house started calling someone.
  • I dnt have time to tell ne one I made one phonecall and tha whole family knew thanks to my sis
  • Haha I haven't told my mother yet because once I do there will be a world side announcement I've never seen someone spread gossip as fast as her!
  • I just found out I was pregnant yesterday and im already dying to tell everyone
  • I feel the same way, i want to tell everyone...but i wont tell anyone! I havet MC but, am scared that i will and dont want to share that with ppl that knew i was expecting. I had this same feeling and fear with my 1st child. I am 6 weeks along and am trying to wait until my 2nd trimester to let it out but, its such a hard secret to hold in
  • We r waiting too! Its hard!! With my 2nd pregnancy we told all our family and a few weeks later had a MC, then 3rd pregnancy didn't tell anyone, ended in MC. So this one I'm scared. My hubby doesn't even want to test til I'm 2 months late!!
  • I waited a whole week to tell my family. My husband told everyone in his family as soon as he found out tho.
  • We told family right away but waited to tell his son until after the first trimester was done we only get him every other weekend
  • We are waiting too...only my fiance and best friend know. I had a mc in august so we r really excited and its so hard to.keep it in. Especially when my sister lives with us right now but if we tell her everyone will know! Lol
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