stretch mark solution!!

edited April 2011 in Health
I'm 31 weeks, almost 32, & I've been sooo lazy about my tummy. I should of been moisturizing and what not, but haven't which has resulted in some ugly purple stretch marks close to my belly button! I've now used BIO OIL four times, and I'd say they're about half the size and pigment!! Yay! I'm so jazzed!! & I wanted to share my secret to success with you all. Much love!!


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  • @isaiahnjocelynsmommy well I live in Canada, so I got it at London drugs which I don't think its in the states. BUT I do believe that Walmart carries it. Anywhere that has a section for like cold medicine, and tampons stuff like that should have it. It's seriously incredible.
  • Yes, please share!
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  • I hope you guys can find it. I had no expectations for it to work so quickly. By the time I POP my tummy might look better than prepreggo!! Lol
  • They have it at walhreens,.cvs & such
  • Wallgreens*
  • Wallgreens*
  • I've been using Bio Oil for about a month & I love it! I'm only 18 weeks so no stretch marks yet but I wanted to get a head start just in case;) I haven't looked @ Wal-Mart but I know for sure Target,Walgreen's & CVS all have it...
  • Thanks @cajunmom ! I was really worried cause I waited sooo long before doing anything about it Haha
  • I jus bought mines at costco for 22 bucks for two bottles
  • Thankyou so much im going to try this.. ive spent so much money on expensive creams and lotions and bs trying to get rid of the ones i have on my breasts i really hope this works for me because i am losing hope..
  • Oh good luck @huneybee I think it could work for you. I spent Soo long before doing anything, so good luck!! Let me know how it goes for you!!

    @mrsthompson34 are there Costco in the us? I had no idea! That sounds like a wicked deal.
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  • @richjen24 ha we don't have sams clubs, or bjs. At least not in western Canada!
  • I also found it at my local grocery store, Giant. If you don't find it with the lotions, check toward the face products. I always find it on the bottom shelf. It comes in a white box with I think orange lettering.

    I hate the smell, and I thought I wouldn't buy more, but I love how it is lightweight and spreads easily. I put tummy butter on top, so I don't smell it too much.
  • Yeah I thought since it was oil it'd be all greasy but it works well.

    I Like the idea of putting nicer smelling stuff on top @jwigs that's smart
  • Yes costco is everywhere in north cali. Google it to see where one is near u. Hope u find one :)
  • Question have any of you guys had previous stretchmarks and used bio oil and its helped. My stretchmarks from before are reallly light but they r still there..
    Now im just trying not to scratch..
  • Def going to try this out. My stretch marks seemed to appear overnight!!!! My skin is pretty sensitive though. Does it make you break out from being oily?
  • My previous stretch marks were pinkish and getting darker as I get bigger. Bit now they are a very faint pink. I'd consider it an improvement. I'll use bio oil after to help fade them and any new ones more.

    My skin is reactive and sensitive, but I get itchy, not a breakout. I haven't had ant problems with a reaction. I have a dry skin type that is easy to aggravate.
  • @expectin_myy2nd I have older stretch marks and it seems to be helping them out also at the same time, which is awesome.

    @Mandiimaxmayhem my skins pretty sensitive also; it gets rashes and bumps from lots of little things, however I haven't seen a problem from bio oil yet. It's surprisingly not greasy and it absorbs quickly, for me.
  • I bought my bio oil at Walmart, I do think I need to use it more then twice a week. I really wanna try the mederma cream though. Has anyone tried that?
  • @jcmommy I haven't used that, so I can't help there. I use my bio oil twice a day. At least I have for the past three days lol
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