Valentine's day ultrasound

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
anyone else have an us that day and goin crazy waitin or is it just me?


  • That's my due date and, I'm freaking out lol. Good luck and, I hope yu get what yu want.
  • good luck to u too. idc really either way about what i want ive changed my mind about every other day for the last two weeks. this is my second us and im concerned cuz the only reason my doc ordered one is bcuz the baby had enlarged kidneys at 14 weeks us
  • I have my anatomy ultrasound on valentines day. I can't wait :)
  • as much as i wanna know if its matthias or isabelle in there i just wanna kno the kidneys are normal sized adn the baby is doin ok
  • I don't have an ultrasound but I have my 34 week check up. Good luck, and enjoy looking at your baby! :-)
  • thanks and gl with ur apptment hope all is goin smoothly for u and ur little one
  • We are having our first ultrasound on Valentines Day... I'm so excited about it. Hopefully to hear the heartbeat... It seems like I've been waiting forever..
  • thats awesome @SuperMommy89 how far are you
  • I'm nine weeks according to lmp, but had a transvaginal ultrasound that put me a 4-5 weeks.. so Idk lol hopefully this ultrasound gives me a better idea
  • ya they should when i went in for my first us i was suppose to be 19 and 2 days but us showed only 14 weeks so we will see if they change my due date with this one too lol
  • Well congratulations and good luck..
  • thanks and u too let me kno wat they say
  • I made my ultrasound appointment today to find out what im havin for valentines day!! Ahh, ive nvr been soo excited!!
  • i kno the wait is killing me plus just found out my tax return should be here by then so i can do shopping soooo excited
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