is it possible to be raped by your husband?



  • I feel so bad that this happened to you n pls don't be offended but as wives aren't we suppose to supply our husbands with as much sex as they need without fighting them on it to begin with I understand sometimes we just don't feel like it but what if the don't feel like paying bills or.doing their manly duties....Then offense I'm just asking
  • @racquel98 marriage doesn't mean giving up ur rights. I have a lot of things I would like to saybut I fear it will come across wrong. Just know that not every married woman gives up her beliefs/feelings to please their man. It goes both ways and I don't mean paying the bills. Anyway I feel ur post was probably just the wrong place at the wrong time. Seems to me that it could be viewed as saying she didn't do what was required of her so.........
  • edited April 2011
    @Carley Well I feel how I feel....maybe it was wrong place wrong time n I'm sorry for that but what rights we give up certain rights when we marry
  • @racquel98 I'm just not the early 1900's type of wife. My wedding vows didn't include giving up any rights. Im also not the stay at home and raise babys while I make the money type. I earned my education with the purpose of having a career, which means I can pay bills as well. Being the bread winner doesn't give that person any additional privileges. I vew marriage as a equal partnership.
  • It is possible to be raped by your spouse. What you described is that. I am very sorry you had to endure that agony. The emotional distress you're going to carry for a long time. I say this because I know. I've been thru that. What I can tell you is that its not your fault. Don't blame your pregnancy or yourself for what happened. Your husband should know that no means no regardless of how long its been. My husband has gone 2 weeks with out pleasuring me. I've given him oral once but he understands now I am not in the mood. When we were dating he had to learn the hard way when I'm not in the mood go grab a magizine or something because no means no. When we were married, the catholic church does not believe you should deny your spouse. Howevermy spouse and I don't force eachother. You need to talk to your husband. I know its not going to be easy. Don't let him think its a pregnany emotion. Really sit down and tell him what happened to you that night and how you feel. From the sound of it he doesn't understand he raped you. He thinks married couple had made love and just tried to satisfy him and you. Try to be patient with eachother this will be a trying time. But your trust has been broken. You may want to explore the option of counseling even if its just a session or 2 my husband and I did months of counseling before we even though to get married. And it helped heal our open wounds. Please let me know if you need to talk. You're not alone. And you are loved.
  • @Carley so if he cheats he is wrong though....
  • @racquel98 of course. However, if ur choice is raping ur wife or cheating then my DH better cheat. My husband is very loving and understands the decreased frequency in our sex life and would never stop paying bills because of it. My role in our relationship goes far beyond sex and his is far beyond paying bills and taking out trash. A few days w/o sex won't make or break us. If that is something a wife has to worry about then it seems she probably needs a new DH.
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