Welcome to the June DDC!



  • Happy to repor everything is good. Heart beat is normal,& baby is kicking.
  • Glad to here all are June mommy are doing well.. Betty me and you have the same due date so we have to keep in touch..
  • Hiya! I'm going to be a June mummy too. My little one is due 14th and will be my first. Sooo excited. Have had probs with my cervix so having extra scans but currently everything is good, just been told no strenuous work which is hard since I'm a group exercise instructor!
  • today is a good day so far, I have not been sick to my tummy. But I am craving chocolate milk all the time.
  • Well good nite all june mommies!
  • Hi I'm due 23rd June and just in the last few days have had cramps lower abdomen, not too bad but its there! Anyone having this? Was told its probly stretching of muscles and ligaments as I head into the 18th week, but still can't help but worry at times..
  • I have then to, I heard its supposed to be normal as long as it isnt very painful. If it is discuss it with your healthcare provider
  • I have them as well, my doc said it is completly normal.
  • Well hello june ddc(: im a new mom. 4 months pregnant and only 17. Scared, but excited. Im not alone tho. I have most of my family and my boyfriends whole family. I found this app for my phone and its great! I love it!
  • Hello Soon to be June mommies.. this is my second baby GIRL. She is due June 17th. My first was a March baby of 2010. Soo excited and we have finally hit the half way point.
  • Hey everyone I am due June 3rd. This will be my second child. I am having a girl! I have a son who will be 9 this month. I am from Massachusetts originally and now living in South Carolina. I pray the docs are as good here and that I have a great delivery!
  • Im due June 24th anyone else?
  • Its a girl!
  • I'm Due June 30 th....!! W # 2 very excited! I'm 26 from NY
  • I'm 25 and due june 27we r haven a lil boy!!! We have three girls 7,5and 18months we r very very excited to have a lil boy and so r his sisters
  • Hey everyone . The name is Jennifer, but u can calle Jenny . Im due June 15, with my first . Dont know what im havin yet . Hoping for a girl .
  • Heya, I'm 22 weeks and 4 days along with my first child, a little girl named Eiralynne. She's due June 7th. Pregnancy is going great so far :).
  • Hello everyone! Im due june 6th. That would put me at 21 weeks 6 days. This is my third pregnancy, second baby. I have a daughter, Kaylee and an angel baby, and we find out the sex tomorrow! Yay! Congrats everyone!
  • edited January 2011
    I'm very excited bcuz me and my fiance find out the sex tomorrow! I'm 20 weeks exactly!
  • Hey everyone I'm Jessica I'm due june 16th. I'm pregnant with they second child. I'm having a boy my first was a girl so I'm super excited to experience what having a boy is all about.
  • Congrats to all the june mommies ..
  • edited January 2011
    Hi I'm new!!! I'm due June 24th sex unknown "/ back to the Dr Feb.10 not sure when the next u/s is.. frustrating!! I have a 2 1/2 y.o son birthday July 26!! Scared to be a parent of two little ones .. especially b/c this was unplanned!! Got pregnant while on the depo shot "/.. Congrats to all the other moms n June babies!!
  • edited January 2011
    @brittinini Omg im due june 24th! And my name is brittany!! Omg I love u!! Lol
  • Awesome... that's so cool!!! <3
  • Update!! Its a GIRL!!! Our 2nd baby girl is due june 6th!
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