things i hate hearing while pregnant...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
It's only going to get worse

People ask me how I'm feeling. I say tired or stressed or sick. Then they respond "oh you just wait, this is only the beginning, it's going to get so much worse."
Why would anyone say that to a tired, emotional pregnant lady?!


  • Because people are stupid lol they somehow think they are helping though. I hate when people say I shouldn't be doing stuff and preach every time I see them, even though I asked my doctor and she said it was fine. Sometimes I just want to tell the to shut up till they get an MD after there name
  • Yes! Today my friend said I can't travel anymore. I'm only 11 weeks! But she was sick her whole pregnancy so she couldn't travel. People always assume that your experience will be exactly the same as theirs and give advice accordingly.
  • "suck it up!" Hate! This statement..usually by men.
  • I hate it when people give me parenting / pregnancy advise that have never had kids or been pregnant.
  • I hate when I get the "your always hungry" or "this pregnancy is doing a number on you" all because of my hormones. I can't help that I'm bitchy off and on, lol.
  • I hate to hear "Ugh, I am getting sooo fat". Oh for reals? I have no sympathy for you smh... listen, my hips have doubled in size, my front bump is like 5x larger than my back bump, and no matter what I eat, I keep gaining. So I got no sympathy for you honey. Go getcha a gym pass and stfu cuz I guarantee you don't feel as huge as I do. :))
  • Cant you control your hormones?! You've been such a bitch lately.....I hate that!!
  • I hate hearing ppl say well so an so did this or that while they were pregnant why can't you do more than you are. Because I'm me not them and my pregnancy is different.
  • I also hate hearing people just assume I am married. No, I am NOT married to my BD and as a matter of fact, he is NOT even in the picture, thank you very much. No, I don't need your sympathy and I definitely don't need your two sense. Bah.
  • *two cents
  • I hate when hubz says can you do this or can you do that
  • @BkE913 I agree with the "I am getting so fat one".

    When I found out I was pregnant the first thing I heard from my so called "best friend" was..."I'm not dealing with your hormonal bullshit!". So now I hate hearing anything about me being hormonal. The fact of the matter is that at the beginning of every month when she gets her af, I deal with her "cramping complaints" and everything that comes with it. I don't wanna hear her bullsh!t lol :)
  • @bke913 ahah I hate tht too I'm with my bd but hate when they assume we are married Eww no lol nd I also hate tht jst cause ur preggo they think u can't do non for urself like u all of a sudden became handicap...I mean I love the help dnt get me wrong but I'm not broken I'm pregnant geez!!! Oh dnt lift tht honey ur gonna hurt urself..really its jst a gallon of milk smh lol
  • My mom is the worst... It's not normal to be sick this long... And my mother in law didn't want me to have baby In Oct bc she was going on cruise... Then she said I better have a girl bc she didn't want a boy... Oh... S offing glad she is carrying... But I'm the biotch if I say stfu... O_o
    My girlfriend got cornered in a public restroom by don idiot woman who said she must be having a boy bc she wad gaining so much weight, that she had w her boys. I had walked in and heard her say that, and my gf looked like she was about to cry so I looked at the idiot and went, "well congratulations!" And she asked why, so I said "well, you're having another boy right?" She got all puffy and actually said "well I never!" Hahahaha. My gr laughed so hard after that. :)
  • I hate it wen ppl tell me "oh, you're so fat" yes I kno im fat n I kno ima get fatter... Irritates me wen they make thoes comments... Like if didnt kno I was prego
  • I'm a hairstylist and a lot of my clients are middle aged women, and believe it or not I've gotten a few bad reactions when I told them I was finding out the sex. Like, just because you COULDN'T doesn't mean I SHOULDN'T!!! they also say "oh I guess you don't like surprises" um yes I do but in this case I wanna be prepared. Ugh women always have something to say lol...
  • I am so sick of people telling me in a few months life will be over and my newborn will be hell on earth. Im also tired of people acting like im going to break in half if I lift a finger too high. I'm pregnant, not crippled.
  • I h8 ppl saying its gonna be a big baby I got 5 weeks left u they think its big now :o more poor vjj lol, also ppl saying im lazy or critisizing my diet go away. My sister is 6 weeks n any time m3 kids do something she says my baby wont do that drives me nuts cant wait till she gets to that point so she sees parenting isnt all or at all a piece of cake
  • Ppl always tell me I "shouldn't" be hungry.
  • i hate when i tell people i feel sick and they tell me i need to eat crackers. like i haven't tried that one. "oh, really? crackers? i never knew! all this time throwing up and alllll i needed was to eat some crackers!" ughhhhhh, i'm not stupid just because i'm pregnant!
  • Wow! I dont get alot of comments anymore ..i did w/ my first i was 20 25 and they see that my son is they dont say much...but I do hate that if I go somewhere I don’t go much..yes my sons shy and wants to be my me..and someone says oh that's not good that he's a mamas boy..(they use to say that like when he was 2) now he's 4 and really don't hear much. Maybe@ later on in the pregnancy I might..
  • @paytonnoelle...really crackers will help me! :)
  • @beatrice1436 hahaha whaaaat? who knew?! seriously though, i ate crackers and it made me throw up. and it's always girls who haven't been pregnant that suggest the amazing cracker revelation..
  • edited April 2011
    It's so true! Stupid crackers. I also hate, are you having twins? (I was but lost one), If someone's gives me that one, I think I will say "I was, but the evil twin ate the good twin"
  • @paytonnoelle...omgee its my mom!! Im like I feel sick cus my throat fells dry were I wanna crakers are gonna make it worse ..she tells me every time I say I feel sick.."oh, you want some crackers"
  • edited April 2011
    I just hate hearing people period with their unwanted advice... a customer told me yesterday like this the best thing I could hear "oh life is just gonna get harder for u" I just wanted to punch him in the face smh just bcuz his life sucked doesn't mean mine will
  • "I can't eat that, I'm on a diet ". I'll be a maid of honor when I'm 7 months. I'm planning the shower n other stuff now w. 4 bridesmaids n a bride who are dieting n trying to lose weight. Meanwhile I'm hungry n I'm gonna eat what I wanna eat lol
  • I hate hearing "man your eating a lot, your gona be huge" I'm like so its my body I eat what I want!
  • I hate hearing "are you pregnant." I'm saying to myself im 8 months and was 165 with no stomach before and now my belly is huge. Really I want to ask them wtf you think I just have a beer belly.
  • "You shouldnt be lifting that! You're pregnant..." Said to me while carrying a basket of (dry) laundry from the laundry room to the living room.... Well, the laundry isnt gonna wash itself, and it dont care if im pregnant!
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