Anyone wrapping their belly after baby? What r u using?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I've heard so many good things about wrapping ur belly after u have the baby. Anyone else doing it? Whats a good brand to use?


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  • I heard good things about the belly bandit from multiple people I work with
  • Ive heard it too! And personally seen results!.2 of my sis in laws had their babies 1 month apart, one wrapped, other didnt. Its been 3 years the one who wrapped looked great!
  • edited April 2011
    I am! My mother bought me a band off line called "the belly bandit" and I'm starting p90x. Good luck.
  • I am!! I did it with my first and it was awesome I felt weird afterwards without it. But I got my small waist back :).. its like a girdle you wear for 40days after you have the baby. It helps your insides get back in place faster since all your junk is messed up lol.. plus! It helps you avoid having a loose and jiggly belly
  • Oh I definitely am! I'm not sure what im hoing to use but it will probably resemble some sort of medieval torture device!
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  • Yes I heard the same thing!! My mom and several friends SWEAR by it!! I'm thinking of getting the Belly Bandit. Its soo expensive though, wasnt sure if the brand really mattered.
  • Never.heard of it but definatly want to now! Where do you get one?
  • A friend of mine wore it while she slept. She only had it off for 2 hours so she can "breathe". I'm def trying it. Its worth a try! After all beauty is pain!! Lol
  • edited April 2011
    @booface lol, that is what they used to do, back in the day my grandma told me and she called it just that-medieval torture device. She said only reason her mom stayed w her after baby born to help tie her up everyday
    @lily_gilz 40 days?!? Could you breathe? Guess I'll do the same, never had a waist, built like a boy w smaller hips... Maybe this is my chance...
  • Am planning to also and I've hues good thing about the belly band to
  • I wore mine 24/7! Lol and I looked great in my bikini ;) I was a size 1 but that's only after 1 kid.. this is my 2nd baby and I'm hoping to look just as good! Oh I'm also only 5ft tall lol.. so don't think I'm anorexic! Haha
  • What exactly does a belly band do?
  • Google belly bandit. Theres another one called taut that actress Brooke Burke created. My friend bought a simple one from Kmart and it workef for her
  • Where and what? I've never heard anything about a belly band.. Hmm now I am intrigued..
  • I think the idea is to wrap ur belly really tight but u have to be consistent!!! U cant expect miracles overnight
  • Like the bellaband or is that something different?
  • I don't think brand matters as long as its tight I'm getting mine from walmart! I'm too broke to afford anything more than 30, well I don't wanna spend too much either lol.. @jellybelly1015 lol yes ma'am I could breathe! I felt weird and loose when I took it off and I couldn't breathe then get used to it. My mom and grandma insisted I wear it for 40days we're mexican they call it "la cuarentina" but they also believe you should always wear socks, sweatpants and a sweater and have your head covered for 40 days I ain't doin all that! Lol
  • Im wondering if it works on someone that has had multiple pregnancies. For myself after my first 2 child I bounced back with flat belly and all. But the third took me much longer and I never did get back to normal cause I was prego again when she was just 10 months
  • @maymommy2011 I think bellaband is for while you're prego no? This is different its super tight like a girdle
  • I'm Going to. It helps with a lot of things. You can get some at, or
  • I think the belly band is something different, its just this material u put over ur belly that goes over ur pre-pregnancy jeans when u dont want to buy maternity pants yet. U can wear ur pants opned & unzipped and no one will tell cuz the stretchy cloth will hold up ur pants and cover the zipper. The one we're talking about is the belly bandit, its different. Its a wrap to go ovrr ur belly after u had the baby to help shrink u back
  • I say it'll work @momma_luvz_her_4 but like ely076 said you gotta be consistent!
  • Yes girls!!!! Consistency is key! Cant give up at the first try
  • Ok thanks ladies def.going to look into it!! anything to help out!! ;;) I need all the help I could get
  • it also helps with after baby pain, your uterus contacts, and it helps ease that pain. It also helps with back pain.
  • Yes thats very true. I heard the same thing about it helping with back pain and posture
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