
edited April 2011 in First Trimester
So my ob is sending me to an endocrinologist because my blood work came up that my thyroid is hypoactive meaning its not functioning fast enough....anyone have similar experiences or know what I should expect? Ill be 7 weeks on Friday...


  • My mom is hypothyroid. They will give you meds and check your blood fairly often.... it isnt too bad....
  • I have hypERthyroidism. Ive had it since I was about 11 or 12. I would go from hyper to hypo all the time and they put me on meds that I hated so I stopped taking them all together. Now that Im pregnant, being hyper doesnt have too many risks, but if I go into a hyperactive storm the meds they would HAVE to give me would harm the baby therefore I must be on meds during pregnancy to avoid it.

    Hypothyroidism is a little different, its under active and they will most likely send you to a fetal medicine doctor unless they feel comfortable with just an endorcinologist. It usually causes infertility and you have to be very cautious as to the things you do because its fairly easy to lose the baby in your 1st trimester but also with hypo. How long has it been since you were diagnosed with it?
  • Yes, hypothyroid since 2002. Expect bloodwork and a little pill everyday you take for an hour before you eat so it can get in your system without interference or complications from other food. Don't take with calcium or grapefruit especially, greatly decreases absorption. Hard while pregnant, I take mine during one of my midnight trips to restroom. Symptoms of hypthyroidism include weight gain, but hey, preggo anyways, sleepiness, again gonna be hard to tell right now... And heartburn... Yeah, pregnancy gonna mask a lot of symptoms... But the upside is they found it and you and your baby will be just fine :)
  • Yes, if they caught it early, they can put you on meds and you'll be just fine. No harm to the little one. So You shouldn't worry hun. ;-)
  • I am the same way...I am 15w 5d now but found out around 11w the endro wanst me back at 20 weeks to recheck it...he said he sees it a lot in women who what bad morning sickness and usually goes away by 20 weeks...I am stating to feel better...and also is found more when your having a girl he says...and well im having a girl...good luck
  • Thanks everyone, I just found out this week that my levels were off so tomorrow I'm going to the endocrinologist to see what she says. I really don't like the ideas of taking medication while i'm pregnant but I will do whatever I have to in order to keep myself and the baby safe! I felt so alone until your comments! Thank you...I will let you know how my appointment goes tomorrow :)
  • Is that something that they check with normal prego bloodwork?
  • its no biggie. My thyroid Dr said the baby starts producing his/her own thyroid hormone at 16 weeks. They don't even know how I'm alive. My thyroid level was 494 and he said it was supposed to be 3. now, being 23 weeks 5 days, my thyroid is at 40 because they put me on levothroxine (however its spelled) 150mg
    My baby girl is perfectly healthy and I've had hypothyroidism since I was 13 and now ill be 23 may 12 :) just a tiny pill once a day in the morning 30 mins before you eat anything. I'm still far from 3 but its going down and that's all that matters. Lol
  • it was apart of my 1st set of blood work...i have no history of it so I would assume so...
  • i have hashimotos thyroiditis/hypothyroidism and have had it since i was a teen. blood work every so many months,not too bad.
  • So...doctor put me on a very small dose of synthyroid...hopefully it works :) and now I have another doctor to see every 6 weeks during my pregnancy and blood week the week prior to every visit! Is it December yet? lol Thanks for everyones help and input !!
  • @Dec_2_mom2be you don't have to worry, synthroid is completely safe during pregnancy. I was slightly Hypo before being pregnant & since pregnancy my Dr informed me that thyroid goes up if anything during pregnancy. I've had blood work every 4-6 wks, but now was able to go off meds as range is normal again :)
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