U know wat u can't avoid drama. And asking a question is not drama its people takin things the wrong way that's causing drama and if u don't like the topic y get on it and comment just move on!!!
He def didnt look like a football player and in the beginning she said he wasnt supportive bc he didnt want to lose his football scholorship n then all the sudden he came around n was this supportive excited daddy idk its off a bit.
I think its so annoying when someone finds the need to tag a moderator in a post they havent commented at all!! Everyone is being pretty civil like stop snitching sheeshhhh lol
Now I want cereal!! Even tho I'm stuffed after just eating a giant. Quesadilla! But any way we r all entitled to our own opinions. I know the jersey story & doubt she's even preg. Now I hope my kid didn't eat all the froot loops!
I totally believed everything she and her nd said then I told my husband the story and the 1st thing outta Hows mouth was " that is so made up " I hasn't even considered it but now it makes me think .... I guess we will nvr really know
I've found pics of my on google before. I don't think him taking the pic down and disapearing means that is was necessarily a lie. IF it is true and you came back to pregly for support but was attacked and saw all the other comments about the situation not being real, I think I might leave too. IF that was happening to me I wouldn't want to talk to people that said that stuff.
Who knows, in my opinion the story was outlandish but I'm not saying that it was fake. Sometimes the cards you are delt are a loosing hand.
I just watched my first full episode of Jersey Shore. It was so freakin retarded I had to watch the whole season!
For the Jersey mama stuff, it sets off my BS alert, but saying that, I'd feel bad if it was actually true. Buuuut.... it doesn't sound realistic to me. Seems like your body wouldn't let you get pregnant if you were really unhealthy.
I like jersey shore lol snooki is a fool Sam is dumb Ronnie is hot but is dumb I can't stand mike pauly is sooo sexy lol vinny is such a sweetie D Idk she is slow like snooki nd jwow is so funny I love when she was like "stay get to ass beat, stay nd get to ass beat, or stay nd get to ass beat!! Either way ur gonna get to ass beat" Lol @Jamie77@preggogiggles@mommy_of_adriana
I just think its funny because he looked like a total scene emo kid from like 2004 yet supposedly had a football scholarship. But anyways I'm glad it's not true, I would hate for something like that to really be happening to someone so young. I'll send my prayers to those who actually need them.
LMAO!!! Mmm I want some now gee thanks
sucks he never admited he was wrong
Who knows, in my opinion the story was outlandish but I'm not saying that it was fake. Sometimes the cards you are delt are a loosing hand.
For the Jersey mama stuff, it sets off my BS alert, but saying that, I'd feel bad if it was actually true. Buuuut.... it doesn't sound realistic to me. Seems like your body wouldn't let you get pregnant if you were really unhealthy.