I feel chubby now ): I weighed around 137pounds before pregnancy, lost 10pounds between the first and fifth month, now I'm about 175pounds and I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow
Weight gain is def one of the negative aspects of pregnancy. I'm 23 weeks and have gained 33 pounds. My pre pegnancy weight was 120 at 5"10 so I was considered underweight. My last doctors appoinment my dr reassured me that I was extremely underweight to start with and from what she knows and has seen women whom were under weight or small to start out with their bodies gain the extra weight to put them at a healthy weight to carry their baby. So she told me to think of it as I've actually only gained 13 pounds of baby weight. It sucks now but I want my baby to be healthy and even eating relatively healthy through this pregnancy and walking it is what it is!!
@snikta127 ... I haven't gained anything, I'm actually 30 weeks and -3 pounds from me pre pregnant weight. But wait ! Just because I haven't gained, us non gaining women come with our own set of .problems. LOL
I still take nauseous meds because I've had morning sickness THE ENTIRE PREGNANCY... what fun is that! I was so looking forward to enjoying cravings during this last pregnancy... NOT!
I spend my mornings cup caken with the toilet still...
I'm very jealous of you weight gainers.. I haven't enjoyed a good meal in 30 weeks....
im in my 30th week and ive gained 28 lbs and she said she didnt want me going over 35 but 40 at the most. i have a feeling im going to go over that weight
@Timinamama thank you Its just hard when they tell you 25-35 pounds and I have 11 weeks left and am already at 20 pounds. Just because of how fast the weight is coming these days I feel like im gonna be a blimp! I guess im mostly just worried about the weight coming right off after the baby... was that part hard for you? @Haleysmomma Wow, 120 at 5'10 IS TINY! Im only 5'7 and I usually weigh around 135. And that's when I feel like I look good lol! Sometimes I get to 140 then have to lose the 5 pounds again. Anyway, sounds like you have some room to gain a little extra and you'll still be perfect:) but I know its hard. No matter what its hard!
I have gained nuthin since getting pregnant! Iv actually lost weight only a few pounss but im 34weeks tomorrow an they have said baby is big! I worry that i have done somethin wrong but i eat properly and then i worry if i force myself to eat more will baby get even bigger?
I'm 30 weeks..and at my 28 week apt i jad only gained 16 pounds..but i weighed myself earlier, and the scale said i had gained 8 pounds in 2 weeks....im hoping it was off!!! Maybe its water weight or the fact that i drink a lot of whole milk! Yikes i definetly dont want to be gaining 4lbs a week...i still have 10 more weeks to go!
I'm in my 37 week and so far through out my entire pregnancy I've gained 80lbs... I feel like way to much but thw docs and midwife say I'm healthy and he is. I went from 160 to 240... which is exacally how much I weighed before I lost the weight and got down to 160.
Ive only gained 6 pounds but have had morning sickness alot. My doctor told me it was ok as long as the baby was growing. Btw I was normal for my weight to start with, 145lbs at 5"8
@Kindell that's crazy! Im jealous lol. Wish I could slow my weight gain down a little. Im trying (Kind of lol). How far along are you? I just don't even understand HOW it is possible for people to lose weight or gain such little weight toward the end... I guess if you are so sick you are probably losing weight while your putting on baby weight so it must kind of even itself out. But if you weren't overweight to begin with you probably can't afford to lose much!
Im 36 weeks and have gained 50pounds! I think its mainly all belly. My boobs have gotten wayy bigger and so have my hips and thighs...suposidly u get bigger wen having a girl but idk I dnt feel fat
@ashleywiini16 im 29 weeks n he weights just over 2.5lbs I wish I looked more pregnant.... No one believes it when I tell them im 7 months.... Ive even had ppl tell me the due date is off or you not eatting enough
Idk what to do either! im 31 weeks and I gain 10 pounds every month! So far I've gained 34 pounds. I want my body back after pregnancy but I don't think its gonna happen Any suggestions?
@zekesmomma1... I dunno what to tell ya cause im in the same boat:( im trying to at least walk on the treadmill everyday cause I am no good at fighting my cravings! I just really plan on breastfeeding a lot and working out after baby! Because I really want my body back too!
Im 17.5 wks and havent gained at all. I lost weight(not in purpose of course) but i am hoping i dont gain too much.. im sure i gained since the last dr visist
@zekesmomma1 YES! It does... I think you can burn like 500 calories a day just by breastfeeding! I believe that's what it was... don't quote me on the exact number. But it definitely burns calories
With my first I actually gained weight from brestfeeding... And no I wasnt eating too much...in fact I didnt eat much at all. Some woman do lose weight..but not all. So you might not want to bank on that as a weight loss plan.
With my first I started 135and ended at 235,,,,, got it all off and some that I shouldnt have im 5"11 and I was down to 126 5years later then came baby #2 so im 30weeks now and im 166as of 2weeks ago,,,,i still have ten weeks to go ,,i really hate it,,ive tryed to watch my weight with this one cus I know my hubby hates thick girls cus he always bringing up that I used to look so good an skinny,,,but screw it if I want it im going to eat it ,,,, just like the 2peices of cake I just ate and didnt share,,, I told him either love it or lose it,,,
@zekesmomma1 read this article on breastfeeding & losing weight its really really informative. http://www.breastfeedingbasics.com/html/Nutrition.shtml @upnorthmom that's crazy! I tried looking up anything on breastfeeding making you gain weight & could not find anything. Everything I've read & heard says it burns calories and women who breastfeed lose the weight faster. I do bet on breastfeeding to help me lose the weight, not all of it of course I know it takes more then that lol. But I don't understand how it could possibly make you gain weight?? :-/ That worries me! Ill keep researching
I still take nauseous meds because I've had morning sickness THE ENTIRE PREGNANCY... what fun is that! I was so looking forward to enjoying cravings during this last pregnancy... NOT!
I spend my mornings cup caken with the toilet still...
I'm very jealous of you weight gainers.. I haven't enjoyed a good meal in 30 weeks....
@Haleysmomma Wow, 120 at 5'10 IS TINY! Im only 5'7 and I usually weigh around 135. And that's when I feel like I look good lol! Sometimes I get to 140 then have to lose the 5 pounds again. Anyway, sounds like you have some room to gain a little extra and you'll still be perfect:) but I know its hard. No matter what its hard!
Any suggestions?
@upnorthmom that's crazy! I tried looking up anything on breastfeeding making you gain weight & could not find anything. Everything I've read & heard says it burns calories and women who breastfeed lose the weight faster. I do bet on breastfeeding to help me lose the weight, not all of it of course I know it takes more then that lol. But I don't understand how it could possibly make you gain weight?? :-/ That worries me! Ill keep researching