I know you can get a hairy belly when pregnant but I didt get any with my first 2 but this time its little peach fuzz all over u can really see it in the sun. So I'm layin in be sunnin my belly and my daughter is tryin to pull the hairs out
Lol I shaved mine once and it was an awedul idea it grew back way worse and I can't stand shaving my armpits every other day never mind my belly so I figure after the baby ill wax it off or at least try it once lol.
I had a mean brother and made fun of me about having some peach fuzz when I was like 13. So I have been shaving it since! :-(( I hate my brother. He also made fun of me for other hairy parts.. lil did I know everyone was hairy there. Lmao.. I was so naive