I currently live home with my mom and im now 6 months (tue april 19th) and my room is a little small so no baby crib for me :_( so i will be either getting a Bassenett or a pack n play for when the baby is here am i the only one??
I Just went to shopco and bought a really cute monkey one for 60$ because my boyfriend doesn't like idea of a crib until the baby is at least a year old. Don't feel bad, everything works out the way it is suppose to. Best of luck.
Nope I have a one bed house with a 1y.o. Girl and within the next monthy new baby, my daughter sleeps in a pack n play and the new child will be in a bassenet. Gna be cramped for a bit but itl do for now
That's was me 5 yrs ago but I also shared a room with my poor sister lol.. it'll be fine.. get a pack n play it'll last longer than a basinett. My son is now 5 and I'm 21wks prego with my 2nd this baby girl will be sharing a room with her big bro! Make do with what you have
I dont have a room for my baby.. I have a crib in there but nothing else for her can fit.. im planning on moving out right before she gets here r right after.. it depresses me that she dont have her own room
My first daughter shared a room with me. She had a crib but I never put her in it. I had a pack n play that also had a side sleep option for the bed and just used that.
They make a pack n play that comes with the bassinet attached. That is what we got for this baby to put in the living room. But we have a crib in our room.
We have a 2 bedroom place... our son has the other bedroom. Our baby will be in our room in a pack n play. Our son was in it in our room till about 6 months...
I rite there with ya . We just moved to a new state and the house we were going to rent fell through.So we are in a Motel till we find a house.(I'm due in 6 weeks) I don't want to buy a crib in case we are still in this motel. Also I have three other boys 11 12,&13 and I can't afford a four bedroom and none of them will share with the baby.So I'm doing the pack n play thing too.
I use a bassinet for the first 4-5 months, but after that I have no clue where the baby is going. I have a 1 and 2 yr old and they are night and day so I can't put them in a room together. I lay them down for a nap and the 2 yr old plays for bout 2 hrs, then naps. The 1 yr old naps and then plays. So who know where this little girl is gonna end up!
My boyfriend and I live in a 4 bedroom house and my 2yr old son sleeps in our room and we set up our soon to be daughters baby bed in our room. Wat a waste of rooms. Lol
My daughter sleeps in a toddler bed in our bedroom, when my little nan gets here he will have a crib set up in our bedroom as well,we live in a trailer house so the other bedrooms are on the other side of the house! We moved our dressers and night stands and stuff into the "second" bedroom so tge kids can be in our bedroom....I feel safer and more comfortable with them being in our room, incase something happens or even if they were to wake up I would be able to hear them.
Your not alone. Me and my BD live with my family right now also. There's about 8 people living here. It sucks but I am trying to look at the bright side of it all. At least I have a roof over my head were some people unfortunately live on the street. We have our own room too which is better than nothing. It is a really small room so we too will have to get a bassinet if things don't start looking up for us before the baby is born. I am not losing hope that we will both find jobs and get our own place before our baby is born in Sept. Got to stay positive God Bless to you, things will fall into place. Its just the patience part that gets us.
We have a small apartment. Baby is going in our room til i figure out a better option. Our second bedroom is an office. My hub works from home a lot and its a necessity. We do not have a crib, but a nice pack and play with a cradle.
Don't feel bad. I had a crib for my daughter when she was a baby in my room and never used it her dad was over seas most of the time she was little she slept with me. This time around due to a long story I DON'T even have a room my husband and I are sharing a 400sqft open loft with our son and daughter at our friends place. Hoping to get into our own before baby comes in aug
I have 2 friends who are sisters and prego. One lives with their grandparents. And her bf. G parents are so old fashion they have to sleep in separate rooms. So no room for baby. They'll just have a portable crib. And the sis lives in their moms garage. I also don't have a room ready yet cuz we are planning on moving in a month. Im at 22 weeks I can't wait to start on the nursery when we move!
my bf and i lived with his family, but the room we where in was so small, and had so much stuff in it, mostly his moms and his sisters that they would have a fit if we moved anything, so there was no room for a pack n play or anything. but lucky for us we foud a one bedroom apt for relly cheep, its still small but at lest we have some room. But i want the baby in our room anyways at lest till its older
That's one thing that I am concerned about getting pregnant... no room for baby. My hubby and I have a very small, one bedroom house, and a lot of stuff already in here. We have been putting off having a baby because of the space issue but cannot afford to buy a bigger house right now.
I live with my mom too my room is pretty small so idk how much room we will have for a crib either but I wanna try only cuz I think it would be more comfy for the baby than a pack and play and a bassinet is only used for a short time ( I think). I feel bad that my baby wont have its own room
Pack-n-plays are great for baby, I wish I hadnt wasted the money on a crib with my last son cuz he never used it till it was converted to a toddler bed. Our new baby will share a room with big brother becausey fiancee doesnt want to convert the guest room.
I have a hand me down bassinette from the baby's auntie. I used a pack in play for my oldest when she was a baby and the mattress pad wound up going flat really fast and hurting her. We had to make a mattress pad for her out of quilts until she could graduate to a toddler bed!
I have nothing!! I was in process of buying a house then got hospitalized at 26 weeks. I will be here for the duration of pregnancy. The duplex I live in doesn't carry insurance for children under 12. I can't stay there, I have nowhere to go and not one single thing for this baby.