new mom due sept.

edited January 2011 in September 2011
Hello everyone I'm Sarah and I'm from Arlington WA! I'm a new mom 2 be and super excited I'm 8 weeks and into my 9th week now due around Sept. 12th!! Just getting the nausea and icky feelings but other than that I'm doing great! Hows everyone else?? :)


  • Hi! I'm Louise from England, i'm due Sept 13, I have been so lucky, no sickness! I'm hungry all the time, I will eat one meal and will be needing a snack instantly, don't mind though as I love my food! When did you find out?
  • Hey, I'm kerri and I'm from n Ireland. I'm 21 and am due on the 12th Sep. This is my first child and I'm so excited, but I feel so nauseous just this past week really. :( Though I'm hungry all the time. Is that normal!?
  • Hiya. Im melissa from england due roughly sept 17th. Symptoms have really started, nauseous, gone off certain foods, constantly hungry, tired, bloated, tender boobs and thy have already went up a cup size. Constipation is my new best friend lol x
  • I'm Victoria, also from WA. I live in Lynnwood tho. I'm 19 also due September 12th and I just started my 9th week :D
  • Hi, I'm Brittany from Baltimore, MD. I am due Sept 15 and ditto to Melissa from England ;)
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  • Hi ..MaryJo here..due 9/26 with my first as well... Amazing to be here after going thru mc last Oct.

    Going on progesterone tomorrow to try and help lil peanut hang hoping this works...I am 43 and don't have many chances left! Come on lil peanut stick! :)
  • Hi, im gloria. From rio grande, tx. I am due sept 18 but have to go to doc to confirm. This will be my first. I had a m/c last yr and its taken me this long to conceive again so just hoping it will stick :)
  • Hi I'm Kerrie from NH. After trying for over 2yrs my husband and i finally concieved through IVF Im 7wks pregnant. My due date is around Sept. 22Nd this is my first pregnancy. We are so excited but still so hard to believe its finally a reality. My tiredness is at a minimum lately but no matter what I seem to eat heartburn and integestion seems to take over all day everyday and its the worst cause im starvin all the time. This wed I get to see my lil peanut for the first time, can't wait!
  • Hi I'm nikkala from England. My first baby just started my 7th week. Has anyone had lower abdominal pains. Feels like period pains. I have had these since I missed my period is this normal this early on? X
  • HI names erin 23yrs.old im from LA. Im due sep.25 my first. Me and my hubby are so excited. Going hear heartbeat march2nd. I wish you all luck and happyness throughout pregnancy!
  • :X hi grls my name is gaby, im 25 had two mcs and this s my third one, im staying positive dat everythng will turn out fine me n my hubby r super xcited. Good luck to all tns of health due sep 6
  • Hi everyone! Im Louisa 26 from New Mexico. Pregnant with my second. Due Sept 2. Its going to be a long summer lol. Thank goodness the all day sickness is finally going away and I'm getting some energy back. This pregnancy has already been so different from my first. Congrats to you all and good luck!
  • My name is emily. I am due september 5th. Already Heard the heartbeat.
  • Hey everyone! I'm Nicole, 25, from CA. I'm due w my first on Sept 19th. My first official non-emergency appt is today. Super excited and nervous at the same time! Good luck to all u ladies!
  • Hi! I'm Cammie. This is my first and I'll be 8 weeks Sunday. Due Sept.18 too, Gloria! I still need to be confirmed though. My first appt is Feb 16 at 9 1/2 weeks.(a little late I thought) At first I had no nausea just a ton of cramps. Now the cramps are gone but I'm always hungry and have to force myself to eat through the nausea. I'm not so gifted in the chest area and was hoping i would see some early breast changes ¦) but nothing yet. Just moderate soreness.
  • I'm marysa from cali I'm due sept 24...hopefully its a boy! I'm only 7 weeks and no sickness...
  • I'm Theresa, and I'm due on Sept 19. This is my first and I'm very nervous! I'm going on eight weeks and I'm going in for an ultrasound this Thursday! I'm so excited! (:
  • I'm katie, I'm due on sept. 29th. This is my first and I'm starting in my 7th week. I don't get my ultrasound for 3 more weeks :-(. My boobs are really sore, I'm tired, and I've had cramping but its getting better. My nurse told me to drink a lot and they will go away so I'm trying that. Congrads all!
  • My name is Sam. I'm from Iowa. This is my first and I'm due Sept 5th. My BC and I are super excited. Besides all the nausea and headaches I feel great. Good luck to all ;-)
  • Hi my name is chrissy and I'm due sept 24th. I'm 7 weeks along and my husband is not here right now, he's a Marine. So I'm doing this alone for a while! But I'm very excited. Boobs are bigger already bought new bra, nausea/morn sickness, gas, headaches, out of breathe, nose bleeds, constipation, etc. Its hitting hard! :)
  • Hey everyone! I'm tiffany, 21 and from texas and I'm due september 29th just started my 7th week. Feeling the symptoms coming on. Really bad headaches. Nausea, super tender boobs. Lol Has anyone had any cravings yet?
  • Hi everyone! I'm a first time mom too and due sept 13th! Been lucky so far boobs hurt and only want certain foods but all in all hasnt been to bad yet
  • Hi i'm dani from mn due oct 1st with my second, I go in for an early ultra sound to make sure its a viable pregnancy I've had two mc before. So nervous, tired, crazy crabby and hungry with extermly painful boobs :)
  • Hi everyone! Desirae from MT! Our first and were super excited but a little overwhelmed at times making sure I'm doing everything right for baby! Heard heart beat this week and only 6 weeks! Amazing! Its really in there! Lol
  • Hello my name is carla, I'm from Texas and I'm due September 1st. This is my first baby and I'm still having trouble believing I'm even pregnant even though I've been to the Dr and have got all the symptoms. The nausia is starting to go away since I will be in 2nd trimester next week. I was enlisted in the navy and was supposed to ship out to basic training March 7, 2011. After I found out I was pregnant new years, I've been a ship wreck. I feel depressed and lonely even though I have the support from everyone around me. I could really use some good advise since I'm only 18, I dnt get on here much so if u wanna help send me an email to plz help!!!
  • I'm due Sept 15 and today was m first day or morning sickness. I'm not very excited about it. My boobs are sore and I'm sleeping in more.
  • hi(:
    I'm 19, due with my second on sept 3rd!
    nauseous but not puking, bloated & gassy. yay for trimester 1! lol
  • hey there,
    I am Marisol from Connecticut, I am 27 years young and expecting my second child Sept. 19th. My first born is a healthy, beautiful, happy almost 4 year old little boy named Damien Maddox. I am very excited about baby #2 my first one has been such a blessing I can not wait for this one. Congrats to everyone any questions from new moms feel free, I'm no expert but I have a few tricks up my sleeves.
  • My name is Jen from Wisconsin....( Go Pack! ) :) I am due Sept 21 with our first child. Very excited yet nervous on how our lives are going to change...sore boob...Constipated and SO frikin tired all the time. Does being tired ever go away!? Congrats everyone!
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