give up

edited April 2011 in Breastfeeding
when should you just give up trying to breastfeed?


  • I gave up and got pregnant...they say the stress of trying makes it harder.....I was drinking had sex and ended up preggo.....but I tried for a long time...years in fact....don't worry ur time is coming
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  • I would talk to your Dr. If you've exhausted tips, tricks and wives tales, it doesn't make you a bad person or mom to stop trying! Good luck babe.
  • With my first, I gave up at 3 months, but I regret it. I think what was so difficult was that I never could get him to latch on right so I was in pain for 3 months straight! I don't know if this is your first, but it seems as though it is always hardest for first time moms. Im hoping this one will go much smoother since I know what to expect. Hang in there!
  • @ richjen24 and @ preggointx. Sweethearts she was talking about breast feeding. :>
  • I gave up after a week. It was really hard for me and I just wasn't producing enough. Kudos to those women that can keep it up, it just didn't work for me. I'm going to try again with this baby, but not getting my hopes up.
  • Most women give up because of the pain or they think that they are not producing enough milk, but you should deff ask for help before you give up because the pain comes from the baby latching on the wrong way, and if you think ur not making enough milk its most likely because of the length and frequency u nurse, back in the 'old days" women didnt have all these "problems" because they had to keep trying to make it work for the sake of the baby, they had no easy way out
  • @vtmamajuju yes this is my first but im so not giving up! i really really want this to work :) @mommy2audrey i keep telling myself that. i mean everyday women do this due to no water or money for formula but why cant i? i still dont think im producing enough to satisfy her but im just being patient :)
  • Do you have a breast pump? If you do pump often and put a warm washclothe over your breast when pumping or feeding her. It helps release the milk. How old if your little girl? Mine is 8 days at first it's really hard, but it is already easier for me. Keep it up.
  • @KrazymomofAdrian i pump at least 4-7 times a day between feedings. my baby girl is almost 2 weeks. how long do you nurse at a time?
  • Til she either passes out or lets go on her own lol. Sometimes it varies on the time Try the washclothe thing plus it feels nice. My mom put me up to it. Chances are your producing enough if she is doing well. Also hospitals have free lactation specialists you can talk to. Is this your first and whats her name?
  • One more question does she get the hiccups a lot?
  • I am formerly a breastfeeding peer counselor with the WIC program and I have over 3 years of breastfeeding experience. It can be overwhelming at first, but if you have the right support: Le Leche League, WIC or IBCLC, it makes it less stressful. Thinking that your milk supply is low or your milk is not "rich enough" is a common bf myth that often makes new moms switch to ff. As long as you're nursing every few hours and your're letting your baby decide when she is satisfied and your baby is producing enough wet/dirty diapers, then your baby is getting enough. Milk is produced by the body as a supply and demand so as long as you're nursing enough in a 24 hr time period and your baby has plenty of wet/dirty diapers, then it sounds like you're doing great. If you just plain don't enjoy nursing, then stopping is your choice and you shouldn't feel guilty about that. Good luck (sorry this is so long)
  • @KrazymomofAdrian ill deff try the washcloth thing and yes she gets the hiccups pretty often. her name is marilynn n my very first :) its a wild ride so far lol
  • @suprised4number2 thanks so much :) i just need encouragement i guess
  • Haha the hiccups mean she is getting fed well. Pediatricians like when babies have the hiccups. It means her stomach is full and pushing on her diaphram (sp.) We can do it @mammajan do you mind me asking how old you are?
    p.s. Marilynn is a really cute name. Sorry my phone spazzed out lol
  • @KrazymomofAdrian oh then thats great :D lol i just get so down when she pulls away n just fusses like shes starving. im 21 will be 22 in oct. and thank you :) whats your babys name??
  • Adrian Hannah lol mine likes to fall asleep and keep sucking. I didn't want to use a pacifier but we may have to. Dri tries to put her finger in her mouth constantly. Your really close to me I am 20 gonna be 21 in July. We can be bf buddies lol.
  • @KrazymomofAdrian awe thats a bea utiful name. mine too lol n when i get to slip her off she sighs lol.yea i have to use a pacifier too but my lil bug likes to swap it out with her hands. have you had to cover her hands for scratching? im all for that :) i need a bud lol
  • Yea she likes to kinda dig at her face. How often are you up at nite? My pediatrician said not until a month. Idk if I can wait that long to use the pacifier. I check on her constantly just to make sure she is still breathing.
  • Wow that was a ramble lol.
  • @mommajan & @KrazymomofAdrian it sounds like you're both doing great with bf and it's always great to have support and encouragement. Good luck to you both.
  • @KrazymomofAdrian i usually get up with her around 2 to change her n then again around 4 to feed her but i usually wont fall asleep till around 12 cuz i watch her lol. we have a bassinet but i just got use to having her with us in bed,its way easier on me.
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  • Lol that actually sounds like my schedule. Dri is so noisy I wake up every 20 minutes or so just to hear her. Babies are an adventure aren't they lol.
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate thats when i nurse the most cuz i let her sleep with us lol:)
  • Hang in there and stay with it! Sounds like you are doing fine. Dont be afraid to contact your pediatricians office or the hospital u delivered at to ask for contact information for an experienced lactation consultant. There is a lot of information and help out there if u know where to look. Good luck... Your baby is lucky you're giving her such a great start!
  • @KrazymomofAdrian thats the way i am with my lil mari she makes a bunch of noise when she streches lol. they sure are! i never thought id be a mom, but god had a diff plan for me i guess lol
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