Sympathy sex

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm just curious but who here is not in the mood but they're significant other is so you have sympathy sex with them just to make them feel better?


  •! I even done it sometimes before I even got preggo.
  • OH yea, im hardly ever in the "mood" but i love my hubby and he would do the same (of course hes a guy) lol
  • I try to want it but I just dont feel good most of the time or it's just a bad time. I love him and want him to know i'm still attracted to him but sometimes when he begs it's so annoying. It got worse when he started working over nights...he thinks i'm cheating. HELLO! If I won't have sex with him why would I have sex with someone else. Sorry it's long I just dont understand their thinking.
  • ME!!!! but the one good thing is, once we start I usually enjoy it!
  • I do i feel bad so i let him get his idc about me getting mine I'm to tired lol
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one....Don't want it & Don't like him Begging for It. My body has gone thru some major changes & I think he knows that but I'm tired of feeling guilty over this. I love my hubby & our sex!!
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  • I have a couple times but for some reason sex just doesn't feel as good as it used to at least for me so dat just adds to da me not wanting to, it actually hurts at times and uncomfortable
  • HAHA i never have this problem! sometimes my bd has to turn me down!! lol
  • It sometimes hurts for me too thats usually why I turn him down most of the time but I feel I gotta give it to him sometimes cuz he needs to be happy through this too. But if I tell him it hurts he usually stops without complaining.
  • @mommy_2_tyme88 yea same here I guess yu gotta give da boyys a lil living sometimes 2
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