@kdaniels during my first trimester I was tired and had some morning sicknesses most of the time I was just very nauseated.. Once I got to the second the morning sickness was gone but never got anymore energy.. Work and school started getting harder then.. And at 31w I was put on bed rest til I deliver due to high blood pressure and swelling.. They were afraid they'd have to deliver at 31w which really scared me they gave me steroid shots for his lungs to help them develope quicker.. They think I may have over done it trying to work 5 days a week and go to school 2 days. I'm due may 27th but they said he may come any day now.
@lauren0204robert geez so it sounds like not too bad till just recently? and also, doesnt matter how much youre poking out, (like) we still have problems with overworking ourselves. for some reason ppl at my work have said really rude things to me like oh youre not big enough to be thta tired or how can u be in a ny kind of pain? the babys not even big enough yet? im like HOW DO YOU KNOW youre not me!!!! UGH! but htats scary them having to give the baby steroid injections. im glad youre doing better now and ill pray for a safe delivery whenever it happens for you! but i was already put on bedrest so i know youre probably going a bit crazy doing almost nothing all day. (i sneak around and clean sometimes when i really cant stand it )
@kdaniels I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. Its a good thing a piece of crap like that is no longer in your life....well, the heavy bleeding pretty much stopped after a day. They checked the baby by u.s in the ER and baby was alive and kicking, strong heartbeat. They didn't tell me anything pretty much except that I had a threatened mc and its a 50/50 chance but I've been reading alot and I think hopefully it was just a subchorionic hemorrage. I didn't have any pain, just slight cramping. So I just have to wait to f/u with my obgyn tomorrow and pray that everything is ok. I am trying to stay as positive as I can.
yes, im so glad hes out of my life... two years wasted man im telling you.
and the good thing is the baby was healthy enough to still b movin around so thats very positive! did they say anything about you possibly getting ur pd during pregnancy? its been known to happen and the babys fine.... my aunt started getting her pd around 10 weeks with three of her pregnancies and shes had 7 healthy kids hopefully its nothing too dangerous for u and the baby. just keep resting and thinking those positive thoughts and if the bleeding has stopped, chances are youre in the clear
@kdaniels No, the ER doctor pretty much didn't tell me anything but to follow up with my obgyn, I was so frustrated. He didn't even say to take it easy or rest...nothing! I don't even know if I should go to work tomorrow or wait till I see my obgyn.
bed rest has been hell but my dr told me bed rest at home or in the hospital so I'm trying to be good lol. My boss (who is a male) would always say oh you just read about those symptoms that's why you are having them.. I was like seriously? Or the baby can't make that hurt.. You aren't big enough for your feet to bother you. I kinda felt like punching him some days.
Im not showing either. Ill be 16 weeks on wednesday. When I eat I get really bloated, but when my bloat goes down....nothing. and im a not a small woman! 5'4 170 lbs!
@kdaniels I have my first ultrasound on April 25th ill be 14 weeks. Symptoms are rough and get annoying. So tired and have lost 20 lbs now. Due to sickness and not being able to eat dairy. How about you?
14 weeks here too, when I can keep down food I look pregnant, but otherwise, just a little swollen and fit in old jeans still. But when I can eat, definitely poking out and love maternity pants
@kdaniels no honestly I don't even feel pregnant most of the time but then I get the little punches and kicks and that makes me happy one thing I can't believe is that I can see the baby when he kicks and such which I didn't see with my previous 2 until about 25 weeks
Haha! I'm 15 weeks tomorrow and I swear my belly looks so much smaller. But it still pushes out a bit. I guess thats my bloating going away. My bloating was so big that I had to get maternity clothes. But I still wanna show cuz i'm a worry freak and I'm always worried its a miscarriage. Got an appointment wednesday tho!
@kdaniels super excited actually. I can't wait. But hoping my flinstone chewables make up for the loss in diet. I don't eat much meat either now. And prenatal vitamins are a no go that's why I'm on the kiddie ones. Plus extra folic acid. It's just crazy. Same boat are ya? I had to switch to lactaid maybe try that?
@kdaniels. I'm 5'2" and 92 lbs beginning of pregnancy. I'm 15wks, I started showin last wk @ 14 wks. I'm 99 lbs now. Everyone's different, it'll happen before u know it!
I'm due September 26 with my first. I'm 18w2d and showing. Im not small 5'3 180 but I was all solid and nicely toned now my stomach is passing my boobs..
@new_momma i guess im just overly exctied for things to actually start happening already bc this is my first successful pregnancy and whatnot
yes, im so glad hes out of my life... two years wasted man im telling you.
and the good thing is the baby was healthy enough to still b movin around