u know ur pregnant when u...



  • @jazzydD that happens to me all the time i so feel your pain.
  • edited April 2011
    @1_bubbly_mommy at least there is someone to share in my pain
    lol im sick of NOT being able to feed my insane cravings its so cruel damnit :-((
  • When u have toask someone to tie ur shoes
  • @jazzydD ikr i get so mad and everybody is always like how does it feel to be pregnant and always sick makes me want to choke them.
  • When you cry bc you want sex then all of a sudden don't anymore bc now your mad and pissed then go to sleep bc you are too tired.
    When you wear sandles w everything bc wearing anyother shoe is just a pita.
    When you pee all day. When you laugh bend over cough sneeze throw up or roll over to get out of bed.
  • Last night i cooked supper fixed my bowl and couldn't eat it. Si my hubby ate it, that made me mad so he made me another bowl i took 2 bites and couldn't eat it either!
  • when you cry because your significant other takes a bite out of your bagel and a sip of your juice and after seeing you cry over this he starts to laugh, which in turn makes you laugh...while your still crying over the bagel and juice.
  • When u cry when u almost pour milk instead of water in ur cup cuz u feel so dumb for making the mistake and then u feel even dumber for crying about it
  • @paganmom lol, I feel u on the pee thing my daughter always says now don't pee ur pants mom... but if u do don't cry. Haha she is 3yrs old.
  • @lovemyboos...lol. kids r so funny. One thing I have learned is to laugh at myself. If you don't it isn't as much fun. But that just makes me pee more. Lol. Thank god for pantyliners..
  • Do the happy dance in front of the refrigerator BC you have discovered there is a "chocotaco" ice cream snack...and its all yours!!! And continue to be absolutely gitty. While enjoying your snack

    Maybe its just me... lol
  • When you cry cause they forgot your jalapenos on your cheese burger:)
  • When you crave hot cheetos dippe in cream cheese yummy
  • I am 8 weeks pg, and no emotional craziness yet. Thank goodness, my husband went through it with our first 2. But I crave ramen noodles like crazy and tortilla chips dipped in the juice. And a toasted bagels with cream cheese and cut up strawberries on it and make it a sandwich. Yummo!!!
  • When you crave 5 guys and you finally get it, sitting bout to take a big bite but you gotta pee and when you come back your friend 3 year old was eating your food and all you see is you taken her by her pony tail and shaking her but insted I just had a tempertrum and cried like a baby smh
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