u know ur pregnant when u...

Know what number your food is on tje menu on McDonald's breakfast n luch. Any fast food joint I know the total price. U know what time the best fast service is. Arbys has three numbers u order but can tell which meal is which. Or u know what sale has which weeks craving...


  • when you're let off early from work to try and get some arby's but they're already closed so you sit in the parking lot and cry in front of the employees who are standing outside of their cars talking until one of them comes over and gives you free food after you explain you're pregnant and craved arby's all day. hahaha. oh, and when you hear katy perry's song "firework" on the radio and automatically relate it to your baby and start bawling your eyes out, even though you don't necessarily like katy perry at all. thanks, hormones
  • Lol been there
  • @paytonnoelle lol that's too funny. You definitely know your pregnant when that happens! Lol, hormones have us girls crazy! Lol
    @mommyto1soontob2 so true. Lol I have tried my best to cook every night.. it suck-)
  • When your breakfast consists of spicy roasted red pepper hummus and pita, smoked gouda with bacon, and strawberries washed down with cranberry juice.
  • I cook dinner lol but thts it hehe
  • When you crave spaghetti at 7am and your 16 month old is super excited to not have another jimmy dean sausage dog lol
  • Bahah I remember bring told eating spaghetti tht early helps with concentration so go u! Tht smart baby knows
  • When you puke your brains out from doing dishes. Which is awesome in the end cause its a man's job for now. Should be good to go in a week though...breaks over!
  • LMAO too funny, I feel for you @paytonnoelle
  • When your husband walks in and tells you mickey d's didn't have the mcflurry and he got you a milk shake instead and you begin to cry before he says hes joking.
  • oh, at my appointment today i heard the heartbeat and i'm 12w2d and as soon as she found it that damn firework song started playing on the speakers at the office! needless to say, my ob and my boyriend probably think i'm insane now
  • Lmao 2 funny!
  • Or when your mcdouble from McDonalds is so over seasoned that you can't eat it, but you wanted one all day. So you cry in your leaving room for 20 minutes until your husband goes and gets you another one from a different McDonalds :) Haha
  • McDonald's breakfast: #1 no meat, large o.j. instead of coffee! =P~
  • edited April 2011
    Hmmm...how about when you go to McDonald's for your almost daily serving of fries with hot mustard but you can't decide between a Big Mac and nuggets, so you opt for BOTH!!! I'm such a fatty right now!
  • You drop something on the floor and try to get the dog to eat it because you don't want to bend over and pick it up.
  • When you can go through 50million emotions a day and crave such weird things
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  • When u get all excited to go out with friends, plan it for 2 wks, spend 2 hrs getting ready (between breaks and stealing ur makeup back from ur two-year-old princess) then decide ur too tired and stay home anyways.
  • when you get ur daughters godfathers gf to drive you to get chinese or to bring chinese over for you while snacking on a sandwich and thinking about cheesecake
  • When you will try ANYTHING that is proposed to you e.i. Cheetos dipped in snickers ice cream....yum?
  • When u run over a bird and cry all the way home
  • When you get a flat tire and bawl Your eyes out in the ampm parking lot while your little brother says its Just a flat tire calm down. And that makes You cry more then that flat tire puts you In a bad mood all day. Or When the chips go stale and you want nachos. I cried then too.
  • When you crave Flamin' Hot Cheetoes dipped in melted Kisses... mmmm
  • When... no matter what u do u cant get full (smh) .......... :/
  • U cook supper and really want it but once its done ur no longer hungry.
  • When u go pee n get bacc to the living room and have to pee again . Happens to me daily lol.
  • When you just finish eating you start getting all kinds of cravings and you're hungry again but to lazy to go get anything lol so you get mad.
  • When u really really REALLY crave something then u get it and it makes u naseous just looking at it. That pisses me off and makes me cry
  • When you manage to eat a whole strawberry cheesecake and still want more.
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