Is tylenol really ok

edited April 2011 in Health
Is tylenol really ok to take? I am not feeling well and I am 12 weeks. I am not sure if it is really safe to take.


  • You betcha! Just don't take the whole bottle! Lol!!
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  • They say it is but I wont take a chance. I just deal with the pain.
  • My doctor said that tylenol is the only pain reliever safe during pregnancy.
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  • Sometimes you just need a little help. And Tylenol is where it's at.

    I need it for my hips.
  • My temp is 99.7. It is not just the headache and congestion I am little worried about a fever.
  • If you have a fever call your doc. While tylenol might help bring it down, it wo.t treat the underlying cause.
  • Also remember that your temp runs a little high when pregnant. I'm usually 97.6 and I've been 99.4 or so lately. If it passes 100 is be worried. By all means call, but don't panic.
  • I take it if i really need it but i try not to take anyhing. And i totally agree with @jbandno3 it could help the fever a little but not help get rid of w/e virus is causing uthe fever. Although if its a virus you wont be able to cure it just supress the symptoms. But it could be some infection or w/e too.. hope you feel better boo
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  • I get major allergy problems and do take claritin for that. I talked to my allergy doctor before I got pregnant and it was the best option. I used to take prescription clarinex and had to stop before I tried to conceive. I think I am going to take the tylenol just to keep the fever at bay. If it gets worse before Monday I will call but if not I will just go to the doctor then.
  • Try Tylenol Cold/Allergy. That might help.
  • My doctor explained it like this... nothing is considered 100% safe, but tylenol is safest. He said if your need for it is that severe don't hesitate to take it as prescribed. So yes, its as safe as safe can be!
  • I went to the doctor on Monday and she gave me antibiotics. I stayed home today and I called in for tomorrow. It is just a really bad sinus infection. The highest my fever got was 100.6 with using tylenol. I don't like to use antibiotics either but she assured me they are safe. I hope she is right!
  • Yes regular strength tylenol is good
  • Too much is not good for ur liver! When I was in first trimester I was so sick! Taking them all the tine and started getting liver pain!
  • I just threw up from all the drainage. Lovely, there goes my prenatals for the day. :p
  • @ghettobetty I take one every five to six hours to keep my fever down. Guess baby didn't like the last one because I just got sick. I won't be able to take another one until morning.
  • @momaynot what did they put you on? I am taking Keflex but it is for a kidney and bladder infection. I am constantly getting colds so i don't know if the meds they have me on help with that or not. One doctor said i could take amoxicillin but another told me no.
  • I was put on an antibiotic in the amoxicilin family, but I forgot what it was called. Something like cednofir. And I was given a Z pack, too. The amox didnt clear up my sinus infection, or I just got a new one 2 weeks later. But that Z pack killed it.
  • edited April 2011
    Augmentin (sp ?) I called my ob and she said it was okay too so I hope they are both right. I started feeling better today thank God! Tuesday was the worst! @hurstk28
  • I take childrens Tylenol, I figure it's not as strong. My husband teases me that I take a dose for a 95 lb. child ( being 8 months pregnant I weigh a little more than that :)
  • edited April 2011
    Yes z packs are great! @jwigs
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