Sickness boys vs girl pregnancy

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Is there any correlation between nausea and gender of baby? I was so sick with my son... not sick at all with this pregnancy... maybe its a girl.


  • Same here! With both my boys I was sick from start to finish....but this pregnancy, not even the slightest feeling of nausea! :-)
  • I honestly think it has something to do with genetics... I had no sickness with my daughter, but was/am very sick with this one & my gut instinct is a boy this time, but don't know yet... my sis was horribly sick with both of hers... both boys... I guess we'll see!!! :)
  • I'm havin boys now n its been the worst..wit my daughter it was exremely mayb but remember every pregnancy is different
  • I've got 2 girls, nice easy pregnancys now #3 on the way, slight nausea but really hoping for boy. Must say awful gas which I never had before x
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  • I didn't have any symptoms with my son but the usual gas and urinating often.... I was quite nauseous with this one. I'm ok now
  • Everyone is different
  • I have no nausea just vert very frequent urination and really.bad gas. Im hoping for a girl but they say girls usually give you nausea.
  • No symptoms at all and having a big baby boy
  • Lol I may think I was not sick with my son but this time around I couldnt keep any food down the first tri but now in the 2nd tri im eating like crazy im thinking its a girl but we will see
  • Sorry lady my fat fingers cant hit the right letter
  • My mom has a theory that its the blood type. She is type O and when she was pregnant with me she was always sick (I'm type A) and with my brothers she was fine with both (They're both type O)...ill believe it more after my daughter is born and we find out her blood type. Im not sick at all with her so if she's type A like me ill deff believe it. =)
  • I always heard girls means sick and not wanting food with boys only a few days of feeling sick and around six weeks u want to eat and a lot.
  • Not really sure..This is my first pregnancy and Ive only ad mornong sickness a couple times where ive actually vomited,But Im always feelings sick,sore and tired.
  • I've had two boys and one girl. I have never had morning sickness with any of my pregnancies including this one. But I have heard that theory as well. It could be true for some but it wasn't for me.
  • With my first(girl) I wasnt sick or anything didnt even feel prego,, but with this one i havent been sick,but im feeling very prego,i found out about this one at 4 weeks, but my first I didnt find out till I was 4 months
  • Sorry got cut off, I do not know what this one is yet but I will on the 22nd
  • I have heard both actually, when I first found out and started getting really sick it seems like everyone was saying I must be having a boy... a was real sick the first four months! Just now feeling better. But it seems more recently I've heard you get sicker with girls... we found out we are having a boy. So I kind of think it can go both ways. The blood type theory is kind of cool... I have no idea what makes you sick or not sick but since I got SO sick with this one, im hoping my second will be a breeze:)
  • Every pregnancy is different. My first son was so easy, barely any sickness or pain and with this one is nausea all day and night, bad cramps, and really fatigue. We're having another boy.
  • My first child was a boy and i had mild morning sickness.....i am just over 6 weeks with my 2nd pregnancy and feel awful. All through the night, day. Its a while till i can find out the sex though?
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